SEGD(环境图形设计协会)是一个非盈利性的国际教育组织,主要为在环境图形设计、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计和工业设计等领域的设计师们提供资源。SEGD的成员都是在环境标识设计、展台设计、主题环境设计等方面非常优秀的设计师。 环境图形设计涉及图形设计、建筑设计、室内设计、景观设计和工业设计等众多领域的设计规则,不仅与视觉传达、标识识别和信息传达相关,还要有空间设计意识。 从1998年开始,SEGD每一年都会评选出优秀的设计作品,并且在春季召开的SEGD成员会议上宣布,作品也将在随后的展览中展出。 以下为2005年度SEGD大奖得主及作品,供大家欣赏。 荣誉大奖
Picture This: Windows on the American Home 描绘:美国家庭的窗户 位置 National Building Museum, Washington, DC 设计 Matter Practice/MGMT. design, Brooklyn, NY 设计团队 Sandra Wheeler, Matter Practice and Alicia Cheng, MGMT. design (Principals in Charge), J. Oliver Vollen, Alfred Zollinger, Karina Moya 建造 Hank Griffith and Christopher Maclay, National Building Museum 客户 National Building Museum
Mini Store 迷你商店 位置 multiple locations, US 设计 Apple Computer, Cupertino, CA Apple零售设计 Apple Retail Development, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Eight Inc., Ron Johnson, Steven P. Jobs 图形设计团队 Hiorki Asai, Timon Harrison, Shawn Hazen, John Barretto, Emily Bergendahl, Chris Ereneta, Dean Orlosky, Heather Landers 客户 Apple Computer
Voices 声音 位置 Barcelona, Spain 设计 Ralph Appelbaum Associates, New York, NY 设计团队 Ralph Appelbaum (Principal in Charge), James Cathcart, Andres Clerici, Jessica Holbrook, Noboru Inoue, Luka Kito, Vivi Hsin-Yi Hsu, Nancy Hoerner, George Robertson, Pia Samrithikul, Scott Shepard, Don Mackinnon, Kentaro Ishihara, Sylvia Juran 建造 Lunatus Comunicacion Audiovisual, S.A.; Roure/De Leon Architects, Santiago de Leon Molina 客户 Forum Barcelona 2004
National Constitution Center 国家宪法中心 位置 Philadelphia, PA 设计 Ralph Appelbaum Associates, New York, NY 设计团队 Ralph Appelbaum (Principal in Charge), Christopher Miceli, Mary Shapiro, Joakim Hannerz, Dana Cupkova Myers, Jose Alcala, Peony Quan, Mariano Desmaras, Elizabeth Ellis, David Mandel, Deborah Wolff, Sylvia Juran 建造 Maltbie Associates 客户 National Constitution Center
NYCHHC Interior Signage Standards 纽约健康医疗机构室内指示标准 位置 New York, NY 设计 Hillier Environmental Graphic Design, Philadelphia, PA 设计团队 John Bosio (Principal in Charge), Amy Rees, Despina Raggousis, Glen Swantak 客户 New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation
Social Studies/ASU 亚利桑那州立大学社会学院 位置 Lattie F. Coor Hall, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 设计 Krivanek+Breaux/Art+Design, Chicago, IL 设计团队 BJ Krivanek (Principal in Charge), Joel Breaux 建造 Sundt Construction 客户 Arizona State University
Capital Metro Experience Design 首都地铁体验设计 位置 Austin, TX 设计 fd2s, inc., Austin, TX 设计团队 Herman Ellis Dyal, AIA (Principal in Charge), Steven L. Stamper, Jon Freach, Suzi Poore, Itze Pavon, Curtis Roberts 客户 Captial Metropolitan Transportation Authority
M.D. Anderson Access System M.D. 安德森数据系统形象 位置 Houston, TX 设计 fd2s, inc., Austin, TX 设计团队 Steven L. Stamper (Principal in Charge); Herman Ellis Dyal, AIA; Greg Giordano; Susanne Harrington; Amber Felts; Jon Freach; Suzi Poore; Sharon Silvers; Michael McDaniel; David Hoffer 建造 Graphtec 客户 The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Wave Hill Wave Hill指示系统 位置 The Bronx, NY 设计 Pentagram Design, New York, NY 设计团队 Michael Bierut (Principal in Charge), Tracey Cameron 建造 VGS, MegaMedia (mural and tiles) 客户 Wave Hill
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh 匹兹堡儿童博物馆 位置 Pittsburgh, PA 设计 Pentagram Design, New York, NY 设计团队 Paula Scher (Principal in Charge), Rion Byrd, Drew Freeman 建造 Sign Innovation 客户 Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
Shake Shack “摇动小室”形象设计 位置 Madison Square Park, New York, NY 设计 Pentagram Design, New York, NY 设计团队 Paula Scher (Principal in Charge), Rion Byrd, Joseph Marianek 建造 Dale Travis Associates 客户 Madison Square Park Conservancy
Temporary WTC Path Station 纽约世贸中心临时车站通道 位置 World Trade Center Site, New York, NY 设计 Pentagram Design, New York, NY 设计团队 Michael Gericke (Principal in Charge), Don Bilodeau 建造 Duggal, VGS 客户设计团队 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Robert Davidson (Chief Architect), Robert Eisenstat, Russell Kriegel, Robert Parsekian |