澳大利亚建筑设计展Building and Design Exhibition
地点时间: Exhibition Halls 1-4 Opening Hours: Sunday: 10am - 6pm; Monday 10am - 6pm; Tuesday 12 noon- 9pm; Wednesday 10am - 5pm
价格: $20
Event Type: Trade
频率: Annual - alternates between Melbourne and Sydney
访问者数量: 16 000
参展者数量: 440 Organiser's
Contact Details: Australian Exhibition Services Pty Ltd
联系人: Bill Hare
电话: 03 9261 4500
传真: 03 9261 4545
地址: Level 3, Illoura Plaza
424 St Kilda Road
网址: http://www.designbuildexpo.com.au/