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Marsans Viagens 平面广告创意

2007-04-23 1905 0

Jamaica’s beaches are highly exciting. And better saying you can talk about them in a family gathering.
          Jamaica的海滩是非常令人激动的。 同时,你在一个家庭聚会中谈起他们会是一个很好的话题。

The forests in Jamaica are wonderful. Just don't tell me you got a gnome as a friend or dated a fairy.
   牙买加的森林是极美妙的。 不要告诉我你一个守护神交上朋友或者和一个仙女约会。

   Your eyes will be red on the pics, believe or not, no one will doubt that is emotion. Marsans will take you to Sunsplash Festival. The world's greatest reggae festival in Jamaica.
    您会为这些画面感到眼热,无论相信与否,没有任何人会怀疑那是一种强烈的情绪。 Marsans将把你带到Sunsplash节。 世界最大的雷盖音乐节日在牙买加。
