1st Place: Somewhere Else
Author: Brandon WIlson aka Weebles
Prize: a 8 GB Apple iPhone.
Utopia, or at least some sort of better existence, always seems to be wherever I am not at the time. I often imagine myself in a pristine landscape far removed from all my cares. And that's as real as it gets. Eventually I have to stop wishing and deal with things.
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2nd Place: A men utopia
Author: Francesco Muzzi aka Mootsie
Prize: a 4 GB Apple iPhone
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3rd Place: Turn right darling, now!
Author: David Loewe
Prize: a Nintendo Wii
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4th Place: Empty Quote
Author: Arnaud Marquez aka Syn
This quote is from Emmanuel Kant - in french : « Des pensées sans contenu sont vides, des intuitions sans concepts, aveugles. » I wanted a graphical metaphor to express the lack of consistency in our modern societies. My utopia would expect higher thinking in every fields.
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