截止日期: 2008年2月17日
主办: Poster Museum at Wilanów, Polish Poster Foundation
A - Ideological posters - works concerning universal themes, conditions and existence of man, civilisation problems, social and political action
B - Culture posters - promoting culture, art, education and sport ventures
C - Advertising posters - promoting commodities and business
D – The Henryk Tomaszewski Golden Debut - works submitted by students
or graduates of art academies within two years from graduation. Graduation projects
and academic assignments printed digitally can be submitted with permission from
the college.
Xavier Bermúdez (Mexico) Anette Lenz (France)
Tomasz Bogusławski (Poland) Uwe Loesch (Germany)
Shigeo Fukuda (Japan) Marcin Władyka (Poland)
Jianping He (Germany)
International Poster Biennale in Warsaw, the first poster Biennale in the world was held in 1966. The idea of periodic international review achievements in the field of poster art was first proposed by Polish graphic designers in the beginning of the sixties. The man who inspired the project and was its first organizer was Professor Józef Mroszczak. Winning the highest acclaim among critics and graphic designers, Biennale soon grew into the most important and prestigious artistic event of this type in the world. The finest names have been connected with it - as participants, laureates, jurors and friends. IPB is endorsed by the International Council of Graphic Design Association Icograda which funds an Icograda Excellence Award. Since 1994 the International Poster Biennale has been located in the Poster Museum at Wilanów.
The 21st IPB will be held in Warsaw at the Poster Museum at Wilanów and will last from June 7th 2008 till September 7th 2008.
Chairman of the Organisation Committee: Lech Majewski
Director of the Poster Museum at Wilanów: Maria Kurpik
General Secretary of the IPB: Katarzyna Matul kmatul@postermuseum.pl
International Poster Biennale Office
Poster Museum at Wilanów
10/16 St. Kostki Potockiego Street
02-958 Warszawa, Poland
tel (+48 ) 22 858 2437