Time:April 06. - 08. 2008
Add:Phoenix Creative Park
NO.643 Shuangliu Zhuantang Town.
West Lake District, 310024 Hangzhou
协办:Hesign International
4月7日,上午10:08, 凤凰•创意国际设计节开幕暨凤凰•创意国际一期开园揭幕仪式
10:08 a.m., Opening of the Phoenix International Design Festival
Place: Central Plaza of Phoenix Creative Park
系列活动二:“4 x Troxler”作品展
4月7日,上午10:45 “4 x Troxler”作品展
10:45 a.m., Opening of “4 x Troxler”
Place: hesignGallery of Phoenix Creative Park (1st Floor)
Niklaus Troxler是当代世界图形设计大师,也是瑞Willisau爵士音乐节的创始人。他作为斯图加特国立美术学院的教授,是世界著名的设计教育家,他的学生遍布世界各地。他的三个女儿在他的影响下,也都走向设计之路。大女儿Katrin是时装设计师,二女儿Annik是平面设计师,三女儿Paula是插画师。这个展览展示他们一家两代四位设计师的作品。
Niklaus Troxler is an international master of the contemporary graphic design as well as the initiator of Willisau Jazz music festival in Switzerland. As a professor in the State Academy of Art Stuttgart, Germany and a world-renowned graphic design professor, his students are from all over the world. Under his influence, his three daughters are now working on design. Katrin Troxler, the eldest daughter, is a fashion designer. His second daughter, Annik Troxler, is a graphic designer, and Paula Troxler, the youngest daughter, is an illustrator. This exhibition displays his family’s works of two generations and four designers as well.
4月7日,上午11:10 “新青年”作品展
11:10a.m.,Opening of“New Generation”
Place: hesignGallery of Phoenix Creative Park (2nd Floor)
At that exhibition 10 young Chinese designers from the new generation present their works in graphic design, fashion design and product design.
参展设计师/平面:陈飞波(杭州), 陈正达(杭州), 高鸣(深圳), 姜音(北京), 李炯 (深圳), 龙刚(深圳), More(上海), 黄永刚(上海); 服装:王瀛(北京/伦敦); 产品:王昀(杭州)。
Participating designers/ graphic design: Bob Chen (Hangzhou), Zhengda Chen (Hangzhou), Min Gao (Shenzhen), Yin Jiang (Beijing), Jiong Li (Shenzhen), Gang Long (Shenzhen), More (Shanghai), Yonggang Huang (Shanghai); fashion design: Yin Wang (London/Beijing); product design: Yun Wang (Hangzhou).
系列活动四:“痴迷欧洲” 作品展
4月7日,上午11:30 “痴迷欧洲”作品展
11:30 a.m., Opening of “Discover Europe”
Place: Main Exhibition Hall of Phoenix Creative Park
演讲:Eva Moosbrugger 女士(奥地利), Hiroshi Tsunoda 先生(西班牙)
Speaker: Ms. Eva Moosbrugger (Austria), Mr. Hiroshi Tsunoda (Spain)
本展览集结德国、 荷兰、英国、 西班牙、 芬兰、 比利时、奥地利、瑞典、以色列、土耳其等欧洲诸国11家设计公司和设计师的创意成果,展品涵盖平面设计、建筑、产品、新媒体、动漫、家居和时装等创意产业的各个专业,展示当代欧洲在创意产业上的现状和成就。
This exhibition gathers the creative fruits of 11 European design companies and designers from Germany, the Netherlands, UK, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Israel and Turkey. The exhibition covers a range of graphic design, products, new media, animation, furniture and fashion, and displays the current status and achievements in creative industry of contemporary Europe.
Participating designers: Ding 3000 GbR (Germany), Ms. Geschick and Lady Lapsus GbR (Germany), Studio Boot (the Netherlands), Jim Rokos (UK),Hiroshi Tsunoda (Spain), Elinno Group (Finland), MAXIMALdesign bvba (Belgium), Eva Moosbrugger (Austria), Malin Lundmark (Sweden), Tarazi (Israel), Maybe design studio Vienna (Austria & Turkey).
4月7日,上午11:30 “设计师名人堂”
11:30 a.m., Opening of “Designer Portraits by Melchior Imboden”
Place: Main Exhibition Hall of Phoenix Creative Park
演讲:Prof. Melchior Imboden 教授(瑞士)
Speaker: Prof. Melchior Imboden (Switzerland)
瑞士平面设计师Melchior Imboden也是一位在平面设计界有影响的摄影家,10多年来,他以“设计面孔”为主题,给世界各地的300多位顶尖平面设计师拍摄了肖像,这些作品慢慢成为世界平面设计大家庭的文献资料。这次展览精选了他摄影作品中的70多位平面设计师肖像,每位设计师提供一件自选最佳海报设计的原作(去世设计师通过博物馆或亲属得到出版权)来共同组成这个展览。此次展览中的海报作品大多已经被世界各地博物馆和设计机构收藏。他们中的部分设计师现已过逝,展览中的一部分作品更是难得一见的精品原作。所有的展出作品无论从学术性还是收藏的角度来看,都具有极高的价值,值得被关注。
Melchior Imboden, a Swiss graphic designer, at the same time an influential photographer in the graphic design field, photographed over three hundred top graphic designers all over the world for the past decade, with the theme of Designers’ Faces. These works have gradually become the reference of world graphic design family. For this exhibition, more than 70 graphic designers’ portraits were selected and each designer provides one original copy of self-selected best poster design to contribute to this exhibition. Most of the posters in this exhibition are collected by museums and design organizations throughout the world. Some of the designers from the portraits have passed away. Some of the works are eminent masterpiece and all the works on exhibition are of high value in terms of academic research And collection.
4月7日,下午2:30 凤凰·创意国际设计节论坛
2:30 p.m., Phoenix International Design Forum
Place: Main Meeting Hall of Vaton Yunqi Resort Hotel (1 Meinling South Road, 310008 Hangzhou.
更多华庭云栖信息请浏览:www. htyunqi.com.cn
1)Niklaus Troxler教授,德国国立斯图加特美术学院教授;
1) Prof. Niklaus Troxler, Professor from the State Academy of Art Stuttgart,Germany
2) Prof. Tai-Kung Kan, director of the Cheung Kong School of Art & Design,Shantou University
3) Mr. Freeman Lau, partner of Kan & Lau Design Consultants; Chairman on the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Design Centre and the Secretary General of the Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations.
4) Prof. Apex Lin Pansong, professor of the Research Institute of Taiwan Normal University Arts Department; Standing Director of the Taiwan Arts Design Association; consultant of the Taiwan Graphics Design Association.
5) Prof. MingLong You, professor of Tainan University of Technology
6)Lorraine Justice教授,香港理工大学设计学院院长;
6) Prof. Lorraine Justice, director of Design School of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
7) Mr. Hiroshi Tsunoda, Hiroshi Tsunoda Design Studio and DesignCode (Spain)
Attend the relevant activities of 80th Anniversary of China Academy of Art Hangzhou