“mina”概念灯,Noonbarcelona 设计,完全不能从外表上看出是灯。
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书本造型台灯,唬人的灯罩,Lujan Y设计,突破传统的半球型灯罩设计,调皮而有新意。
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鸡蛋灯 真鸡蛋
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德国dornbracht100 %产品设计

dornbracht是德国的浴室和厨房设备制造商,将推出新的'塔拉' 100%的设计。'塔拉'是其最热门的浴室配件,包括了新的色彩:选择亚光黑与白。同时展出的将是一个范围包括'symetrics' 和'元素水疗中心'的产品。
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cork and FSC pine‘corker’椅
FSC pine设计的‘slat shelves’(板条书架)
decode london已经开始生产这咱“波浪书架”了
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‘spiral stools’由软木,毛毡,羊毛做成,用着什么的还没看懂,大概也是个椅子吧
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‘log bowls’ 园木碗
zoe mowat 设计的椅子
luflic 设计的椅子‘in the round’
jennifer graham 设计的“重力碗”
mat cult 设计的“水珠”灯
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波兰的Street Underground 2008 作为连续第二年参展,波兰文化研究所和亚当密茨凯维奇学院将主办波兰Street Underground 2008,以展示波兰艺术与设计。
‘floating house’ prefab house boat concept[Page: ]
‘bold’ wall clock
‘boxer’ storage system
‘boxer’ storage system
‘boxer’ storage system[Page: ]
‘raw’ armchair by tomek rygalik
tomek rygalik设计的‘lampudra’ 灯
tomek rygalik为wyborowa伏特加设计的‘wbar’
‘termo’ seating systemby by tomek rygalik
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‘termo’ seating systemby by tomek rygalik
‘dark rooms’ by konrad pustola
‘comfee’ lounge chairs by by ania hrecka & ‘slightly tilted 6 degrees’ storage units by maja ganszyniec
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英国设计师benjamin hubert作品
英国设计师benjamin hubert过去这一年一直是非常忙碌的,他的成果将在今年的伦敦设计节上展示。
‘yumbrella’ fruit bowl made from earthenware with integrated banana hook
‘lily pad’ tables built with a solid wood surface and a CNC bent steel frame
‘labware’ lamp range of large bottle-like bulbs made at london glass works topped with cork
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‘labware’ lamp
making the ‘labware’ light series at london glass works
‘fold’ magazine rack designed to mirror the form of a folded piece of paper made from powerder coated steel
paper prototypes of ‘fold’ magazine rack
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‘heavy’ lights are made in germany from 5mm thin cast concrete
‘heavy’ lights are made in germany from 5mm thin cast concrete
making ‘heavy’ lights
making ‘heavy’ lights
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德国家具设计师dirk winkel作品
‘discu’ table
‘minai’ sofa
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‘minai’ chair
‘sinus storage system’
‘vektor light’
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emmanuelle moureaux的椅子设计
emmanuelle moureaux设计的金属棒椅
Emmanuelle Moureaux曾在100 %设计东京上发布了最新的椅子设计,共有7个圆木棍组成,斜放在大块压克力板上达到完美的支撑平衡。由于其美丽的折射效应,那些棍棒看来好像都浸泡在水下。
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okay工作室是由 shay alkalay, tomas alonso, jordi canudas, mathias hahn, peter marigold, yael mer, oscar narud, hiroko shiratori and jorre van ast组成的设计团队,
‘clamp-a-leg’ table by jorre can ast
ellipse table by peter marigold
ellipse table by peter marigold
‘mr. light’ by tomas alonso & copper lantern by mathias hahn
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'light meets chocolate' by jordi canudas
end table by peter marigold & ‘raw edges: mould’ by shay alkalay and yael mer
‘raw edges: cavities’ by shay alkalay and yael mer
‘slap dash’ tables by oscar narud
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丹麦设计师karen kjaergaard作品
ceramics by louise hindsgavl
light by astrid krogh
chair by louise campbell