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2009-09-08 7826 0


MUJI AWARD 03, with its theme of "Found MUJI"
无印良品奖03 ,其主题是“发现无印良品”
金奖:《 稻草秸秆》
The original meaning of the term "straw" was "wheat straw". Wall art depicting people using straws of wheat to drink from have been discovered from ancient Mesopotamian ruins. Straws of wheat are forms created by nature; they are materials that return to the soil. There's no waste in either the shape itself, or in its actual existence.

原来一词的含义“稻草”是“麦秸” 。长城艺术人物使用的小麦秸秆饮料中发现了古代美索不达米亚废墟。小麦秸秆是形式所创造的性质,它们是材料返回到土壤中。没有浪费,要么本身的形状,或在其实际存在。

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A trash bag that easily stands up by itself. By taking advantage of the triangular pack that originated in Sweden and has been used for years for serving milk for school lunches in Japan, we were able to achieve a sense of stability, while the tendency to worry about the actual contents of the bag has been lessened. Can be put to good use when camping, on a picnic, or with other outdoor activities.


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Taiwan is an island located on the Pacific Ocean, and there is a small town in the middle city of Taiwan called "Tachia." It's a beautiful place famous for its straw mat, which is made from a specific variety of rush, and usually the mat is hand-weaved by people in the village. Straw mat products are normally seen as floor mats, sitting mats, and hats, which feature respirable, odor-absorptive, quick-drying functions, also the soft straw scent smells purely blissful. "Tachia Mat" is redesigned from the ordinary Tachia straw mat, makes it into a fitted bed sheet that covers the mattress entirely, instead of the traditional one-piece type that simply sits on top of the bed. Comparing to the machine-made mats, the material of "Tachia Mat" is much more flexible and foldable since it's handmade. Today energy-saving is considered as a critical issue, and "Tachia Mat" is definitely a product that will bring a fresh and cool aura. With MUJI's global markets, once "Tachia Mat" is being mass produced, there will be more and more people enjoying the nice and cool summer nights.

台湾是一个岛屿位于太平洋,有一个小镇在中东城市台湾所谓的“大甲。 ”这是一个美丽的地方著名的草席,这是从一个特定的各种高峰,通常在垫子是手工编织的人在村里。草席产品通常被视为地板垫,坐在垫子,和帽子,其中呼吸功能,气味吸收,快干的功能,还软秸秆气味气味纯粹幸福。 “大甲垫”是重新设计的普通大甲草席,使其成为一个装有床单覆盖床垫完全,而不是传统的单件类型,简单地之上的床。比较的机器垫子,材料的“大甲席”更灵活和折叠,因为它的手工。今天,节能被认为是一个关键问题,和“大甲垫”肯定是一个产品,会带来清爽气息。与无印良品的全球市场,一旦“大甲垫”正在大规模生产,将有越来越多的人享受凉爽宜人夏夜。

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My grandfather nonchalantly pounded nails into posts and hung various things on them. So that things didn't fall off these nails, he unconsciously pounded them in at an angle. To me, these felt like the most rational sort of hook you could get. While a simple nail would have sufficed, I made a few alterations. It struck me that if you could secure a nail at a set angle and length every time, then you could have beautiful hooks anywhere you could pound a nail in.


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"Second Skin" is a double layered with 2 different textured sides - the outer layer being waterproof and protective, the inner layer being soft and gentle. It has the ability to transform itself and help you adapt to any situations - Use as a Towel, Changing Room, bag or Waterproof Poncho...all you need to do is... "Zip it, tighten it, loosen it, carry it, turn it, spread it......and relax."

“第二层皮肤”是一种双层的2个不同的质感双方-外层防水和保护,内层是温柔。它有能力把自己和帮助你适应任何情况下-使用的毛巾,更衣室,袋或防水雨披...所有你需要做的是... “压缩,加强它,放松它,执行它,把它,传播它......和放松。 ”


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MUJI AWARD-02-2007

Gold:Towel with further options,可以再利用的毛巾。
This bath towel moves your mind toward further uses of the product. Towels take every day dirt and gradually become damaged. In accordance with such changes, you can downsize the towel with "further options" from a bath towel to a bath mat, and then to a floor cloth and dust cloth. The towel has a vertical and horizontal textured surface that does not produce pile-fabric waste when cut with scissors. The lines act as a marker for

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Diary schedules are arranged in lines and grids, which are difficult to see and has little flexibility.
This notebook makes it clear, intuitive and easy to plan and see your daily schedules.

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Stackable Hanger,可叠放衣架,
The hangers can be layered precisely, allowing compact placement with a minimum of space occupied. Also, layering something makes you feel good. The feeling of wanting to layer or accumulate something of the same shape might be an innate desire.

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Salt is one of most useful spice for cooking. But, we tend to put too much.
Kakujio is 2.5cc each. You do not have to measure it. It is a certain quantity anytime.

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MUJI AWARD-01-2006

Name : Yoh Komiyama (Japan)
Category : An outlet plug to save energy
The purpose of the work :
"A cast-off skin" is designed to perform 3 functions
#1. to save energy,
#2. to prevent dust or waste from penetrating an outlet.
#3. to maintain a connection between an outlet plug and an outlet.
Concept of the design;
Traditional Japanese people called an existing thing in this world "Utsusemi."
"Utsusemi" is a cast-off skin of the cicada insect. The outlet which I saw was an empty container, an "Utsusemi". An invisible soul (a transparent outlet plug) entered the container, and so it was reborn to connect the world.
When an outlet plug is pulled out of an outlet it lies like a cast-off skin without a soul.
But will it yearn for an outlet so?
"A cast-off skin" is based on this simple idea.

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Silver Prize
Notebook to remember
Satoshi Hasegawa (Japan)

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Name : Taichi Ito (Japan)
Category : Roll paper

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Their destination, my departure
Chang Yu-Chiao (Taiwan)
