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2009-11-14 9415 0

Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

(Anfisa i zveri)

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa the commander of a horde of mice

Anfisa is dressed in a cheese uniform.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa writes sonnets by feathers

All swans absolutely naked.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa has put on the hippopotamus some glasses

It caused at it vomiting.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa has decided to become the barber

To shave off cockroach’s bristle.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa has decorated deer’s horns

But not adorn the flanks because of laziness.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa scatters grain crumbs everywhere

Centipedes in delight from it.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa doesn’t hide the opinion

Hedgehogs are prickly plants.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa plant the retaliatory cargo

In bomb bay of a pigeon.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa assured that all cachalots

Necessarily should learn the notes.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa helps a kangaroo

Carries its children in own stomach.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa cooked up a beefsteak from clay

To a lion on a name-day.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa thrust in boots instead of laces

Two rain worms.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa follows an jellyfishes example

In water she doesn’t take off the burning breeches.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa for snakes real tyrant

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Girl knits from snakes the cardigan.

Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa is afraid of a moustached wood louse

Wood louse comes to girl’s dreams.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa change position of subjects.

Goat with the aerial, the TV with horns.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa is assured that the rhinoceros

Really needs many noses and horns.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa deliver a panda from moth

She cultivate lavender on a panda.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa – the head of shrimps

And any other sea coquettes.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa made an incision to a cuckoo’s neck

From a neck she has taken a battery.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa is puzzled by a fox’s hairstyle.

Haircut of a fox is appointed to Saturday.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa has learnt an donkey’s soul.

She restrains persistence of a donkey by the raspberry.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa, without difficult devices, takes from a heron

Carrot juice by the dropwise.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa bites a giraffe for a neck

Giraffe not the first whom she has bitten.

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Anfisa 小动物明信片 贺卡设计 版式设计 视觉

Anfisa suited a holiday for a cat

Cat is happy with wine and jumble soup.
