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2010-03-18 9553 0


  D DAY或“日常”是一个突然发生的展览,它源于对一个转瞬即逝时机的即时性反应。与设计工作的性质吻合,这种动态地对现实作出的敏捷反应,让D DAY成为了一个批判性、预见性与实验性的设计事件。
  D DAY展览试图将隐匿于设计作品背后的设计过程与工作方法,甚至是设计师的设计日常与工作形态,都直接推向公众。四个参展工作室在他们日常设计项目或研究项目中的进展将成为展品,从而让现场成为了展示设想、会议、草图、争论的空间。参展工作室每天提交工作进度文件包,包括日志、文本、草图、照片、样稿等一切过程资料,由助理在现场每天即时收集、打印并在墙面上张贴与更新,成为不断生长的日志与档案。也就是说,展览现场与设计项目的发展是同步的。
展览期间在现场每周还将安排一次设计师们出现的“D TALK”讨论会。这是一个从来没有过的、基于时间线索不断变化的设计展览,而展览真正的高潮,也就是闭幕式,将在2010年4月18日展览结束时出现。

  D DAY可以理解为Daily Design“日常设计”,也可以理解为Design Day“设计日”,作为观众,今天是您的设计日,您将参与设计师的日常设计工作。
但设计师如何工作,设计师与客户 、用户如何沟通,创意是如何产生的,设计最终是如何实现的,隐藏在设计作品背后的设计思维与设计过程,大众所知并不多。

Designers: wx-design, OMD Contemporary Design Terminal, TOMEETYOU Design Studio, Hanjiaying Design


王序设计 wx-design
wx-design was established in 1995 in Guangzhou, the south city in China. It opened its Beijing office in 2009. The Guangzhou and Beijing offices are located in the two art museums in the two cities respectively. The company does not have specific positioning, fixed business mode, or fixed style, nor is confined by any rules or boundaries. We value the importance of innovation and believe that innovation makes our design vigorous and refreshing. Over the past decade, wx-design boasts versatile conception, cross-disciplinary advantage and cross-regional resources. We have provided professional services for our clients, covering naming, branding, brand communication, motion graphic, environmental (space) graphic, exhibition planning/design, book design, and comprehensive design projects related to arts, etc.

吐毛球设计工作室 TOMEETYOU Design Studio
  吐毛球是一间在北京的平面设计工作室,成员包括广煜与刘治治。奇怪的名字是由于工作室里有一只非常像“主人”的野猫,它很不健康,从来没有吐过一次毛球。工作室的英文名字是“to meet you”, 大概就是见到你之后,有一种非常说不出来的感觉吧,我们希望自己的工作能给大家带来更多有趣的感受。
It is a graphic design studio in Beijing. Its Chinese name and English name are not related at all. In Chinese, it is called "Tu Mao Qiu", a similar pronunciation to "To Meet You", It means “(cats) vomit hairball". This strange name comes from a very particular homeless cat, who makes the design studio his home and behaves like an owner. He is not healthy for he never vomits up any hairball. The English name "To Meet You" probably indicates that after meeting you, nobody knows what happens next. We hope our work can bring more interesting stuff to everyone.

OMD当代设计中心 OMD Contemporary Design Terminal
  OMD当代设计中心在2007年由蒋华与李德庚共同创立,是一个连接策展、出版、设计和研究的工作平台与协作网络,拥有开放的工作边界与不限定的协作领域,寻求一切的可能性来为当下的设计拓展更大的社会能量。OMD试图主动介入社会生产的诸多层面,并寻求在各种新的领域与节点中发挥设计的作用及探讨设计的意义,以多重身份致力于当代设计研究、实践与推广。作为设计师、研究者与写作者,他们编辑了一系列有影响的设计书籍,并推进着若干设计研究项目。作为策展人,他们参与了 “社会能量——当代荷兰交流设计”、“POST__”当代国际海报回顾、“在中国设计”、宁波国际海报双年展、“TYPOSTER100”、“No Paper”实验海报12人邀请展、“设计的立场──来自中荷建筑、服装、书籍与产品设计的八种态度”等重要设计事件。蒋华与李德庚分别执教于中央美术学院设计学院与清华大学美术学院。
As designers, researchers, writers and curators, Jiang Hua & Li Degeng co-founded OMD Contemporary Design Terminal in 2007, which is based on multidiscipline and provides a comprehensive platform and network for curation, publication, designing and research. OMD covers unlimited cooperative fields, it tries looking for all possibilities to explore more social energy for contemporary design. Thus initiatively OMD involves itself in many social production scopes, intending to give full rein to designing in every new field and node, meanwhile exploring the meaning of design. They approaches design with multiple status, committing themselves to the research, practice and promotion of contemporary design. They published many design books and also are the curators of many influential design exhibitions in China including "Social Energy: Contemporary Communication Design from the Netherlands", Ningbo International Poster Biennial, "Post__" Contemporary International Poster Retrospective, "TYPOSTER100", "No Paper: Experimental Design Invitation Exhibition", "Designing in China" and "Taking a Stance". Now Jiang & Li are the lecturer at CAFA and Tsinghua University.

韩家英设计 Han Jiaying Design
Han Jiaying design, as the design’s implementation force of international and culture, is actively promote local brand’s build up and grow up at all times.
From founded in 1993 to now, base on the continuing promotion of Mr. Han jiaying, we have formed multizone international design and consultative platform in Shenzhen、Beijing、Shanghai.
Face the changing trend of contemporary international design environment, we have formed inimitable voice and contemporary standpoint in the fields of art and business.
From brand, communication, graphic design, products as well as space design, to the new trend of design education , We participate in the everlasting global trend-transforming with fresh ideas and sensitivity.
Design have been accepted and understood by more and more people. That is where our innovation power lies in such a society that values diversified culture is accelerate exchange.
