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2012-09-26 3978 0

本能/Basic Instincts


Dutch Fashion in context




Opening Ceremony5:00 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 29 th, 2012



Duration:  Sept. 29 th Nov. 22 nd, 2011


VenueOCT Art & Design Gallery




Forum: D-TALK·Series 3



地点:深圳华•艺术沙龙 (华•美术馆西侧)


演讲: 提莫·德·瑞克 / 设计文化学者

卢卡·马尔凯迪 & 埃马努艾雷·昆兹 / 策展人

安妮·德·格里夫 / 服装设计师

雷克斯·波特 / 产品设计师

莎朗·杰斯齐艾尔 / 产品设计师

楠尼·德·鲁 - 动力室建筑公司 / 建筑设计师

希芭·萨哈比 / 产品设计师

Time13:30-16:30, Sept. 29 th, 2012

VenueOCT Art, Shenzhen (Next to OCT Art & Design Gallery)

HostWang Xu

SpeakersTimo de Rijk / design culture scholar

Luca Marchetti & Emanuele Quinz / curator

Anne de Grijff / fashion designer

Lex Pott / product designer

Sharon Geschiere / product designer

Nanne de Ru--Powerhouse Company / architect

Siba Sahabi / product designer




LectureNew Strategies to Present Photography in the Dutch Fotomuseum




地点:深圳华•艺术沙龙 (华•美术馆西侧)

SpeakerRuud Visschedijk

Time10:00-12:00 , Sept. 30 th, 2012

VenueOCT Art, Shenzhen (Next to OCT Art & Design Gallery)




LectureFashion, Design in the Context of Art





SpeakersLuca MarchettiEmanuele Quinz

Time3:30-5:30Sept. 27 th, 2012

VenueHong Kong Design Institute




LectureFashion, Design in the Context of Art




地点:广州大学城广州美术学院 900人报告厅

SpeakersLuca MarchettiEmanuele Quinz

Time2:30-4:30Sept. 28 th, 2012

VenueAcademic lecture hall, Guangzhou Academy of Fine ArtsGuangzhou University Town




TimeNew Strategies to Present Photography in the Dutch Fotomuseum





SpeakerRuud Visschedijk

Time18:00-20:00, Sept. 28 th, 2012

VenueAuditoriumArt Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing





“本能”展览名称源自荷兰导演保罗·范霍文的同名电影《本能》,影片依仗感性的本能而不是理性的思考来决定情节,借此寓意根植于荷兰地域的创意文化所描绘出的强有力的视觉蓝图。此次展览以开放式思维,邀请来自不同国家、不同领域的创意精英组成具有不同文化背景及语言环境的策展团队,包括来自mosign的策展人卢卡·马尔凯迪和埃马努艾雷·昆兹,来自Zoo Magazine的荷赛·克拉普和山德·卢布,以及展览设计总监亨里克·韦布斯科夫。展览从而以更为客观的视角来审视荷兰的创意文化,呈现当今的荷兰设计师们如何通过作品与外界进行交流,展示他们探索的直觉历程。


展览将向中国观众集中展示代表荷兰新一代浪潮的37位才华设计师的上百件作品。参展者包括5位服装设计师、15位产品设计师、5位建筑设计师、12位摄影师。他们的工作范围遍布欧洲其它国家,最年长的出生于1959,最年轻的是85后。其中包括近期赢得了“荷兰设计大奖”荷兰设计团队Scholten & Baijings,以及在此设计大奖中获得提名的设计工作室Glithero,设计师Anne HoltropBCXSY工作室。所有参展者都具备三个要素:深厚的荷兰文化根基、毋庸置疑的天分、以及成功开拓海外商业市场的潜力。他们代表了当下的荷兰创造力及未来设计、时尚发展的趋势。












Truth can only ever depend on perspectives, which are both personal and constantly changing.


Contemporary world with its richness and diversity is not explainable from a single point of view. Reality is complex and a single phenomenon can hide other ones, while each of them is in a perpetual evolution. Even answers and solutions tend to be relative and temporary and always need to be redefined. This multifaceted design, made of folds and layers expresses the awareness that the perspective chosen when looking at things can be the key generating their meaning. Understanding, in a broad way, means choosing "the good point of view." The effect of perspective can change appearance and substance up to challenging our notion of "truth."





The world does not need any more chairs!



We are overwhelmed with objects, to the point of not being able to eliminate them when they become useless. Nowadays material culture surely doesn't miss new artifacts, it might only need new functions and meanings for them.

From this angle, what does "designing" mean? And what does "new" mean? Maybe a contemporary notion of design does not necessarily imply to generate original shapes, objects or styles. Design could be, before everything else, a deeper understanding of the existent: the sense of creative randomness and casualness creatively epitomized by street fashion, for example. Instead of conceiving brand-new stuff, the artist finds a new frame for what we already have.



【柔软未来Soft Future



To design now is to create a bridge to the future using references that feel familiar.


This vision of the future sees it as a considered development of the present rather than a brand-new world to substitute to the existent one. Rather than a space of invasive and hegemonic shapes and ideas, it invites adaptable inputs. Softness is the perfect metaphor of this flexibility: visual and structural roundness and a design based on small-scale fluid shapes softly finding their place within the interstices of reality. Creating means respect for context and environment, and a willingness to connect existing forms and beings, embraced by a self-adaptive and self-evolving attitude-one that seeks awareness of "the other."



【都市光彩Metropolitan Sleek



The pursuit of perfection dominates urban life and blurs the boundary between what we are and what we wear.


Modern culture has always considered the city as the place where everything happens. Power, style, art...are urban phenomena. The pivotal position the city occupied in the imaginary of the artist is expressed by a sophisticated and subtly cold notion of elegance. The "standard" aesthetics around which the standing of the citizen is built: from the little black dress of Chanel, through the typical tailored masculine suit, from the steamlined shape of luxury cars up to the glowing rigor of le Corbusier's architectural poetry the arts have been trying for centuries to define ideals of urban elegance. Mirroring their time, this notion has been manifested in different ways but it has also maintained intact its purpose: trying to code what people should look like, what surface should express in order to be... perfect. Maybe because in our post-modern urban societies, "appearing" is not that far from "being."



【缓慢前行Slow Forward



New shapes for the future can be achieved using familiar processes.


The idea of the future is spontaneously associated to progress and innovation. But in the global contemporary context, values and definitions of these notions are rapidly evolving from the imaginaries we inherited from the past. In order to question and critically communicate this concept from a nowadays angle, artists portray the imaginary of the eras to come as hybrid. Artisanal practices merge with futuristic appearances. They play with "aesthetics" and "process," separating them into two independent dimensions: the appearance of radical innovation can be manufactured by hand through clever craftsmanship, while rawness and simplicity can express a cutting-edge idea of avant-garde.






A visual traipse through the Dutch creative consciousness.



A multimedia machine displays audio-visual material from the worlds of fashion and photography, that have shaped the Dutch creative imagination. A cross between a relaxing lounge and an ephemeral cinema, the Panopticon is a central feature of the exhibition. Visitors can sit back and enjoy images, videos, interviews, and slideshows.
