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瑞士设计师Sabina Oberholzer(AGI)和Renato Tagli 出任意大利中意设计协会(ADCI)荣誉顾问

2014-11-26 14143 14

  11月20日,意大利中意设计协会(ADCI)主席沙锋、副主席郭佳受瑞士设计师Sabina Oberholzer和Renato Tagli邀请前往瑞士切维奥拜访他们的设计工作室。由于Sabina Oberholzer和Renato Tagli在设计领域的国际地位及影响力,意大利中意设计协会(ADCI)特聘请他们为协会荣誉顾问。意大利中意设计协会主席沙锋、副主席郭佳一起向Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生颁发荣誉顾问聘书。

  Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生住在瑞士切维奥一个美丽的小镇上。本次拜访,Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生向我们展示并且讲解了他们的设计作品,并且同Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生探讨了当今平面设计的发展趋势以及他们从业、从教几十年来的设计心得及建议,同时充分肯定了意大利中意设计协会在设计交流中的作用与地位。Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生他们也非常喜爱中国,喜欢中国的文化和饮食。

  Sabina Oberholzer和Renato Tagli的设计作品就如同他们的生活一样,充满了各种色彩,简单的板式设计。颜色的颜色运用,将设计提升到一个新的艺术境界。

 瑞士设计师Sabina Oberholzer(AGI)女士和Renato Tagli先生
沙锋主席、郭佳副主席向Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生授予意大利中意设计协会荣誉顾问聘书

LSabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生向沙锋主席、郭佳副主席赠送设计文献资料 

LSabina Oberholzer和Renato Tagli讲解诠释设计作品
Renato Tagli先生讲解设计理念 
Renato Tagli先生像我们展示他的实验性设计作品
Sabina Oberholzer和Renato Tagli讲解诠释设计作品
与Renato Tagli先生探讨海报创作心得

与Renato Tagli先生探讨海报创作心得
全体拜访人员与Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生合影留念

Sabina Oberholzer女士和Renato Tagli先生简历资料
Sabina Oberholzer 1958
graphic designer AGI Alliance Graphique Internationale
Renato Tagli 1956
grafico e artista ambientale

In 1983 Sabina, having completed a traineeship at prestigious New York studio Rudolph de Harak, and both Sabina and Renato having gathered work experience in Zurich, they decide to establish themselves in Cevio and launch their own studio.
Starting up a business in a small village in the Vallemaggia valley far from urban centers was a choice that went against the stream of the early eighties.
It was literally a philosophy of life that led them to restore a marvelous 16th century house, integrating new technologies and developing them step by step, and so making it possible to remain in close contact with the big cities’ fermentative processes.
Thanks to this felicitous intuition and the avant-garde creative spirit which distinguishes them, in the course of their career spanning nearly three decades their work soon surpasses the Vallemaggia’s confines and they are quickly recognized on a national as well as international level.
The list of projects they have completed and contests they have won is a long one.

A few examples:
in 1987, they create the graphic layout for the “Quotidiano”, which in the following year leads to their recieving the first prize from the Federal Bourse for applied arts, promoted by the Federal Department of Culture.It is the first time that artists from the Ticino win in the graphics sector, and two years later they repeat their exploit;
they go on to create the corporate design for the sculpture exhibit ‘G90’; they come in third in the contest for creating the currency in celebration of the Swiss Confederation’s 700th anniversary; second at the Best coordinated Swiss Image in Zurich in 1992; and first in the contest ‘Road Works Plan’ for the Locarnese region launched by the Department of the Territories (the logo ‘Green Wave’ is their work).They also create the new graphic image for Monte Verità as well as for Ascona’s Museum of Modern Art.
In 1997, at the Barcelona World Congress, Sabina Oberholzer is admitted to the Alliance graphique internationale (AGI), the profession’s Mount Olympus. This prestigious recognition honours the work of the studio in Cevio,and moves it into the international spot light.
Sabina Oberholzer was chosen as one of 49 candidates from a pool of 170, hailing from all over the world.She is the first person from Ticino to be admitted into AGI through the Swiss section.
In order to be admitted into AGI, a candidate must demonstrate a consolidated professional
reputation, and mustalso be able to show the results of five years of creative work.
Membership in this association - destined to promote worldwide creativity, to further cognizance and appreciation of the graphic profession, and to stimulate the debate over design - represents the highest obtainable goal
and a platform where the world’s best graphic designers Exchange ideas.
In 2002, they come in third at the International Poster Contest held by the Deutsches Plakat Museum in Essen,Germany.
In 2005, they are invited to partecipate in the Swiss National Bank’s contest for creating the new series of banknotes, and in 2009 they win the contest for the Swiss Post Office’s stamp series ‘Auguri’ (good wishes),in circulation since last September.
The same year they win the first prize at the 5th Annual International Typography Poster contest in Asma-ul Husna,Tehran, Iran, in which 1339 graphic artists from al lover the world participated.
Not to mention exhibits, publications, and other work commissioned by public and private clients.

Profile of the studio’s principals
Sabina Oberholzer
Born August 7, 1958, in Locarno, Switzerland
Lives in Cevio, Vallemaggia
 1973–1978 Studies graphic design at the CSIA in Lugano with professor Bruno Monguzzi
 1980 Sojourn in London
 1980–1983 Works as graphic designer in Zurich at studio Baltis und Ruegg; during the same period, she spends time in New York, working for Rudolph de Harak associates.
 1983 Establishes the studio for graphic design Oberholzer Tagli in Cevio with Renato Tagli
 1985 Wins 1st prize together with Renato Tagli and Ray Knobel for the coordinated image of the Department of Museums and Culture of the City of Locarno
 1987 Creates the graphic layout for the newspaper ‘Quotidiano’ together with Renato Tagli and Ray Knobel
 1988 e 1990 1st prize Federal Bourse for applied arts
 1990 3rd prize for the currency in celebration of the Swiss Confederation’s 700th anniversary
 1992 2nd prize for the best coordinated Swiss image, 1st Swiss Corporate Design
 1999 Oberholzer wins 1st prize for the postage stamp of the Museo Vela, Ligornetto
 1999 – 2008 Creates the coordinated image for Ascona’s Museo comunale d’arte moderna
 together with Re nato Tagli
 2002 3rd prize Deutsches Plakat Museum, Essen, for the contest ‘The children make the world’s rythm’
 2005 Is invited to partecipate in the Swiss National Bank’s contest for the new banknotes
 2006 Word Award of Monotheistic Religions, Imam Ali Religious Arts Museum, Tehran, Iran
 Manifesto chosen from among 900 participants from 23 nations
 2009 Wins the contest for the Swiss Post Office’s stamp series ‘Auguri’ (good wishes) together with

Renato Tagli
Born February 16, 1956, in Locarno, Switzerland
Lives in Cevio, Vallemaggia
 1972–1977 Studies graphic design at CSIA in Lugano with professor Bruno Monguzzi
 1977–1978 Attends the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, Italy
 1980 Sojourn in London
 1980–1983 Works as graphic designer in Zurich
 1983 Establishes the studio for graphic design Oberholzer Tagli in Cevio with Sabina Oberholzer
 1985 Wins 1st prize together with Sabina Oberholzer and Ray Knobel for the coordinated image of the Department of Museums and Culture of the City of Locarno
 1987 Creates the graphic layout for the newspaper ‘Quotidiano’ together with Sabina Oberholzer and Ray Knobel
 1988 e 1990 1st prize Federal Bourse for applied arts
 1990 3rd prize for the currency in celebration of the Swiss Confederation’s 700th anniversary
 1992 2nd prize for the Best coordinated Swiss Image, 1st Swiss Corporate Design
 1996 Recieves the Distinctive Merit Award at the Internet Graphic Design Contest, Tokyo
 1998 Recieves the Encourage Award at the Internet Graphic Design Contest, Tokyo
 1999 – 2008 Creates the coordinated image for Ascona’s Museo comunale d’arte moderna
 together with Sabina Oberholzer
 2006 Word Award of Monotheistic Religions, Imam Ali Religious Arts Museum, Tehran, Iran
 Manifesto chosen from among 900 participants from 23 nations
 2009 Wins the contest for the Swiss Post Office’s stamp series ‘Auguri’ (good wishes) together
 with Sabina Oberholzer 1st prize at the 5th Annual International Typography Poster in Asma-ul Husna, Tehran, Iran
 2010 International Exibition ‘Poster for a Healthier World', Puebla Mexico 3 posters selected for exhibition at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Design A.C.
