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Superunion rebrands的加密货币犯罪专家Elliptic。

2018-04-16 1426 1

     Elliptic专注于调查在黑暗网络上经常发生的犯罪案件,并通过难以追踪、加密的加密货币(如恐怖主义、赎金、儿童色情和武器走私)来实现。这家总部位于伦敦和美国的公司为加密货币公司、金融机构和政府机构提供专门知识和培训,以防止与加密相关的非法活动。根据品牌主张和现状,简要介绍了超联的新特性,发现了数据的真实性。 https://s3 -欧盟-中央- 1. - amazonaws.com/centaur wp/designweek/prod/content/uploads/2018/04/12162623/ezgif - 4 - a4e44f5f16.mp4 这一身份融合了负面的空间排版,这是由原始的,原始的;数据线的出现和密码公司使用的区块链技术。

     恐怖主义的词汇和术语,例如:事实和现状;和“;ransomware”隐藏在品牌内,并将被应用于各种应用,如海报,小册子,机密演示文件,屏幕动画和文具。易读性是一种故意的挑战,以回应所进行的困难的任务。Superunion, “而其简单的黑色和白色调色板反映了问题的严重性,以及依赖于椭圆的法律案例的重要性。椭圆和rsquo的新特性已经在所有接触点上展开。

Criminal investigations company Elliptic has been given a new look by brand consultancy Superunion. Elliptic specialises in investigating crimes that often take place on the dark web and are enabled by difficult-to-trace, encrypted cryptocurrencies, such as terrorism, ransomware, child pornography and arms trafficking. The London and US-based company provides expertise and training for cryptocurrency companies, financial institutions and government agencies to prevent cryptocurrency-related illegal activity. Superunion was briefed to create a new identity for Elliptic based on the brand proposition “finding the truth in data”. https://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/centaur-wp/designweek/prod/content/uploads/2018/04/12162623/ezgif-4-a4e44f5f16.mp4 The identity incorporates negative space typography, which is inspired by the “raw” appearance of data lines and the blockchain technology used by cryptocurrency companies. Words and terminology such as “truth”, “terrorists” and “ransomware” are hidden within the branding, and will be used across applications such as posters, brochures, confidential presentation files, screen animations and stationery. “The legibility is deliberately challenging to echo the difficult task Elliptic undertakes,” says Superunion, “while its simple black and white colour palette reflects the seriousness of the issue and the importance of the legal cases that rely on Elliptic’s intelligence.” Elliptic’s new identity has rolled out across all touchpoints.