这家总部位于英国的在线抵押贷款经纪公司成立于2015年,旨在降低抵押贷款的安全性;创始人兼首席执行官Ishaan Malhi说。 Trussle出生在Malhi&rsquo,当他挣扎着为自己的第一个家抵押贷款时,自己也感到沮丧。太多的行话,太多的复杂性和不够的透明度;他说。这家咨询公司表示,他们委托“粗糙的边缘”为Trussle创建一个新的视觉和语言标识,目的是为了实现这一目标,而不仅仅是为了融资。 这个身份是基于一个简单的、明亮的粉色图形符号,代表一扇敞开的门,并伴随着标语“家庭主人的家。这家咨询公司说,奇利公司还与UnLtd和中队的风险媒体合作,创建了一个旨在解决和解决抵押贷款问题的配套运动。

Ragged Edge has rebranded mortgage start-up Trussle, creating a new identity and a colourful, illustrated campaign for the company. The UK-ba
sed, o
nline mortgage broker was founded in 2015, and aims to make securing a mortgage a less “painful” experience, says founder and CEO Ishaan Malhi. Trussle was born out of Malhi’s own frustration when he struggled to secure a mortgage for his first home. “There‘s too much jargon, too much complexity and not enough transparency,” he says. Ragged Edge was commissio
ned to create a new visual and verbal identity for Trussle, which aims to “stand for far more than finance”, says the consultancy. The identity is ba
sed around a simple, bright pink graphic symbol that represents an open door, and is accompanied by the tagline “The home of home ownership”. Ragged Edge also worked with UnLtd and Squadron Venture Media to create an accompanying campaign that looks to tackle “mortgage inertia”, says the consultancy. The poster campaign features brightly coloured illustrations depicting various scenarios, such as people getting on the property ladder. The identity is currently rolling out across all touchpoints.