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2018-04-16 1881 1

    1944年6月6日第二次世界大战期间,诺曼底登陆,导致欧洲大部分地区脱离纳粹控制。并最终盟军的胜利。为了配合2019年“D-Day”的75周年纪念,该博物馆获得了“遗产奖”(Heritage Lottery Fund) 450万英镑的奖励,以改善其展览空间,并改善其活动和活动项目。作为转型项目的一部分,朴茨茅斯市议会委托爱丁堡咨询公司“StudioLR &ndash”;与品牌策略师Scott Sherrard &ndash合作;重塑博物馆。新身份的目的是吸引更年长和更年轻的观众,重新定位D-Day的故事,从严格的和不符合的;军事博物馆;研究人员说,对于一个关注个人故事的人来说。 新标识将这两种想法并列在一起,并将工作室作为维持和发展的中心;一开始的符号看起来是一个弹孔或带刺的金属撕裂。然而,仔细看看,它实际上描绘了英国和法国的海岸线,那里的大部分船只都是在诺曼底登陆的时候离开的。 

    引入了黄色和黑色的核心调色板,使博物馆更加现代化;研究公司的设计总监戴夫·金(Dave King)说,看看那些通常与军事机构联系在一起的卡其色和绿色的颜色吧。颜色的选择也凸显了黑暗与现实;和“;light”D-Day背后的个人故事。 “D-Day Story&rsquo”的新身份在所有的触点上展开,在2018年春季博物馆重新开放之前。

StudioLR has created a new identity for the D-Day Museum, renaming it as D-Day Story to coincide with the museum’s £4.5 million redevelopment. Located in Portsmouth, the museum tells the story of the Allied forces’ invasion of Normandy on 6 June 1944 during the Second World War, which led to the liberation of large parts of Europe from Nazi control – and ultimately Allied victory. To coincide with the 75th anniversary of D-Day in 2019, the museum has been awarded £4.5 million by the Heritage Lottery Fund to revamp its exhibition spaces, as well as improve its activities and events programme. As part of the transformation project, Portsmouth City Council commissioned Edinburgh-based consultancy StudioLR – who worked in collaboration with brand strategist Scott Sherrard – to rebrand the museum. The new identity aims to appeal to both older and younger audiences, repositioning D-Day Story from a strictly “military museum” to one that focuses on personal stories as well, says StudioLR. The new logo juxtaposes these two ideas, adds the studio, as the centre of the “D” symbol at first appears to show a bullet hole or a barbed-wire tear. Look closer however, and it actually depicts the English and French coastlines, with distressed areas where most of the boats departed from and arrived at during the D-Day landings. A core colour palette of yellow and black has been introduced to give the museum a more “contemporary” look, says StudioLR design director Dave King, ditching the khaki and green colours typically associated with military institutions. The choice of colours also highlights the “dark” and “light” side of the personal stories behind D-Day. D-Day Story’s new identity is rolling out across all touchpoints, ahead of the museum reopening in Spring 2018.