
Zeynep Basay and Cem Haşimi shared an awesome brand identity project for Iris & Cole, a luxury artisanal skincare company. It has 3 perfectly crafted anti-aging blends, with 100% natural ingredients. It represents a mindful approach to living and embracing a return to simplicity and an appreciation for crafted, natural products.The brand is:A return to quality and craftsmanship.Respect for the oceans and earth. The packaging is recyclable and minimizes plastics.Dignity for animals. No test on animals and the products are vegan.Mindful co
nsumption and earned rewards. Co
nscious choices.An appreciation for natural ingredients and how the body will embrace them.Brand IdentityDesign, Art Direction and Photography by Pata Studio. For more information check out:patastudio.uk @patastudio branding artisanal