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2018-04-16 1394 1
让我们来看看Ollestudio为Onet设计的这个美丽而多彩的品牌标识项目,在整个过程中也有平面设计和插图。公司的座右铭是:“设计是有趣的。”这是波兰克拉科夫的设计工作室,它真的很有才华,我一定会去看看他们的Behance,以获得更多的品牌项目。Przemek SzubaMore linksLearn更多关于Ollestudio的Ollestudio学习,在InstagramBrand Identity &上的DribbbleFollow Ollestudio。平面设计品牌标识品牌形象设计。

Let us take a look at this beautiful and colourful brand identity project by Ollestudio for Onet, there is also graphic design and illustration involved in the overall process. With the company motto of:"Design is fun.", this design studio from Krakow, Poland truly does it all with a flair, I would definitely check out their Behance for more branding projects. CreditsPiotr PlochMarta WojcikAleksander SuchetaAguWuPhotography by Przemek SzubaMore linksLearn more about Ollestudio at ollestudio.comFollow Ollestudio on DribbbleFollow Ollestudio on InstagramBrand Identity & Graphic Design  brand identity branding graphic design