安吉拉·费舍尔(Angela Fisher)分享了一个美丽的品牌形象项目,她为2018年的Adobe峰会做了准备,这是一次经验创造者的庆典。这个项目实在是太棒了,我们不得不在ABDZ上展示它,特别是因为Angela很好地发布了关于这个过程的一些细节。“创造者”的定义是一个创造的人;形式;形状。基于主题,事件标识在数字和物理形式中都应该具有同等的表现力。
今年的标识由两部分组成:模块块模式(vector) +物理安装(照片)。你可能会问,为什么要创建一个物理装置,然后当一个人可以通过数字效果图获得几乎相同的结果时,他会给它拍照?定制的安装是唯一的。通过制造商的双手,他们每个人都增加了一层深度,这是一种很难复制的数字渲染。就像现代经验制造者所需要的技能范围一样,最终的艺术作品融合了各种不同的学科:2D和amp; 3D、数字和音质;传统手工艺,加上许多爱。以下记录了我们创造性旅程的浓缩版。
感谢我们愉快的合作伙伴DBLG把这个概念变成了现实。品牌标识灵感/情绪板安装在霍尔本工作室从各个角度拍摄,并配有工业道具。模块块模式与照片(s)中的小段相结合,用于各种事件资产。Behance项目邮编DBLG LDN。DBLG LDN的场景视频背后。品牌平面设计

Angela Fisher shared a beautiful brand identity project that she worked on for the 2018 Adobe Summit which it is a celebration of Experience Makers. The project is simply awesome and we had to feature it here on ABDZ, especially because Angela was kind to post quite a few details a
bout the process. "Maker" by definition is a person who create; form; shape. ba
sed on the theme, the event identity should be equally expressive in both digital and physical form. This year the identity co
nsists of two components: modular block pattern (vector) + physical installation (photographs). You might ask why create a physically installation then photograph it when one can achieve nearly identitical result from digital renderings? A bespoke installation is unique. Through the makers’ hands they’ve each added a layer of depth which is one of a kind, hard to replicate with digital renderings.Much like the range of skills required of modern day Experience Makers, the final artwork is blend of a variety of disciplines: 2D & 3D, digital & physical, software skills & traditional crafts, plus a lot of love. A co
ndensed version of our creative journey is docu
mented below.Many thanks to our delightful partner, DBLG, for turning the co
ncept into reality.Brand IdentityInspiration / Mood boardThe installation was photographed at Holborn Studios from various angles, with and with out industry props.Modular block pattern combined with small sections from photo(s) is being used in various event assets.Behance project post by DBLG LDN.Behind the scene video by DBLG LDN. branding graphic design