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由Kareem Magdi设计的Logo设计背后的网格系统。

2018-04-17 2496 12
    如果你喜欢使用网格系统为你创建的每个标志设计,包括标志和图标,Kareem Magdi给你覆盖。他分享了一组设计精美的logomarks和它背后的网格系统。


If you love of using a grid systems for every  logo design you create, including marks and icons, Kareem Magdi got you covered. He shared a set of beautifully designed logomarks and the grid system behind it. The symbols vary from letters to animals including squirrel and elephants to other more abstract shapes. Personally, I like the use of this technique to make sure that the form is optically balanced, however, I also think it's not needed all the time. It might add too much rigidity to the design.