Mano a Mano是葡萄牙波尔图(Porto)的一家设计工作室,专注于品牌标识和图形设计,并分享了一个美丽的品牌设计项目。 起初,我以为这是一个印刷项目,因为它的名字和演示,但后来我意识到它是一家餐馆,它曾经是一个凸版印刷工作室。查看下面的更多信息。在著名大厨路易斯·阿梅里奥(Luis Americo)的领导下,印刷字体展于2017年8月下旬开放。
nor OliveiraBrand品牌标识。

Mano a Mano, a design studio from Porto, Portugal and focused on brand identity and graphic design shared a beautiful branding project for the Typographia Progresso Restaurant. At first I thought it was a typography project because of the name and the presentation, but then I realized it is for a restaurant that is located wher
e it used to be a letterpress studio. Check out more information below.Under the wing of the renowned Chef Luis Américo, Typographia Progresso opened in late August 2017. Wher
e there o
nce was a former letterpress studio (whose name the restaurant decided to keep), there’s now a co
ntemporary restaurant with a wine cellar, cheese & delicatessen store and a bakery. In a privileged space in the heart of the city, the menu goes from local to global, that is, from Porto to Portugal and from Portugal to the World (with a Portuguese touch).The graphic identity centers on several letterpress typographic compositions acknowledging the graphical heritage of the former place. The type that makes up the logo is bold and co
nfident but co
ntains subtle imperfections that hint at the unco
nventional nature of the venue. This co
ncept is extended throughout the graphic applications, as the several menus designed with illustrations such as the world map that shows every country whose dish is on the menu.The color palette mirrors the sophisticated environment, with two old printing machines defining its ambience.Overall the brand has been crafted with the intent of being both vintage but modern, a place whose craft the world may have forgotten, but the palate didn’t.ClientTypographia Progresso RestaurantCreditsPHOTOGRAPHY: Leo
nor OliveiraBrand Identity branding