来自马耳他的设计师Borja Albaladejo在他的Behance简介上分享了一个美丽的品牌标识项目。我最近一直在检查这类项目。我真正关注的是设计师如何展示作品,而不仅仅是结果。

Borja Albaladejo a designer from Malta shared a beautiful brand identity project on his Behance profile. I have been checking more of this type of projects lately. I am really focusing on the way designers present the work rather than just the outcome. My goal is to try to understand the role of presentations for any design project. My assumption is that it is a more than crucial part of the process especially if the design itself is a simple share or form. I think Borja did a good job on this brand identity. As he mentions, it's a for a new company born from the merger of 3 well established brands. The result is an elegant logo with a strong wordmark. I quite like the way he presented and some of the templates, like the ads one. Working with all stake holders we managed to create a brand that symbolised strength in the market, born out of the unique value created by this merger. We found that an essential part of this brand promise was a
bout prioritising the customer journey.