Vantage Branding为新加坡交响乐团(SSO)开发了新的品牌标识。成立于1979年,是新加坡最著名的古典音乐乐团,不断发展,以触动无数新加坡人的生活。然而,随着音乐会出席率的下降和对未来资金的担忧,有必要重新设计SSO,以证明它与更广泛的新加坡观众的相关性。他们的品牌研究和战略的产出,导致了SSO品牌的3个核心支柱:新加坡精神的艺术卓越和融合的多样性。

Vantage Branding has developed the new brand identity for the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO). Founded in 1979, the SSO is Singapore’s flagship classical music orchestra, evolving to touch the lives of countless Singaporeans. However, with a trend of declining co
ncert attendance and co
ncerns raised over future funding, there was a need to rebrand SSO to demo
nstrate its relevance to a broader Singaporean audience.The outputs of their brand research and strategy lead to 3 core pillars for the SSO brand:Artistic ExcellenceCommunity EngagementDiversity of the Singaporean Spirit.To reflect this, it was created a brand identity system that placed diversity at the heart of communications. Without alienating classical music aficionados, Vantage created a structure for headlines to engage newer audiences in a more inspiring way. In addition, they introduced a spectrum of color to co
nvey diverse performances with a distinctive system of photographic and illustration style working seamlessly together.The new mark depicts an ‘S’ for Singapore and Symphony using elements from a uniquely interpreted musical note. Also, the SSO used a nondes
cript logotype over the years and didn’t have a recognizable mark, so Vantage made the creation of a distinctive logo a priority. The new mark depicts an ‘S’ for Singapore and Symphony using elements from a uniquely interpreted musical note. Crafted with grace and fluidity, it co
nveys the majestic excellence of SSO’s classical music.The new brand was launched at the beginning of 2017 and is on track to make its transformation felt with an ico
nic identity that embraces and excites a bigger audience with the right note.