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插图和品牌:Tigre de革命家。

2018-04-20 1694 0
    我们想从墨西哥的平面设计师和letterer,为Tigre de革命的动物Pharrell的插图/品牌化工作。从商标到包装,我真的很喜欢他的色彩鲜艳的方法,并在品牌中运用花卉元素,真正反映出餐厅的颜色。

   Anibal Pharrell是一个在墨西哥城的平面设计师和letterer, MX。目前担任数字艺术总监,他的工作重点是排版,平面设计和艺术指导。你一定要给他一个命令。品牌para taqueria Mexicana El Tigre de革命性的插图品牌。

We would like to feature the illustration / branding work from Mexican-based graphic designer and letterer named Animal Pharrell for Tigre de Revolución. From the logo to the packaging, I really like his colourful approach and play with elements of flowers across the branding that truly reflects the colours from the restaurant.Anibal Pharrell is a graphic designer and letterer based in Mexico City, MX. Currently working as a digital art director, he focus his work in typography, graphic design and art direction. You should definitely give him a follow on Behance.Branding para taqueria Mexicana El Tigre de Revolución  illustration branding