从本周开始,用一个品牌和amp;由Mireldy设计的视觉识别项目与来自克罗地亚的Drap代理合作。有了一个诱人的配色方案,我们就会被一种带有粗线的肖像照所吸引,以及他们如何从名片上得到品牌装备。我也欣赏在网页设计中使用的额外色彩,以创造与使用的两种主要颜色的对比。你怎么认为?在Behance上发布的是一个团队合作,从一个艺术总监到UX/UI,包括客户端。Drap Agency是一家位于克罗地亚萨格勒布的工作室。最基本的想法是让一个视觉形象统一起来(一方面是互补的,另一方面是相反的)Drap机构的个性。这个标志是一个紧凑的印刷解决方案。它会画出填充身体的有趣的线条。这样,所提到的对立人格就以一种紧凑的独特形式统一起来。与此同时,logo的形状为模块化的介入留出了空间。在它的基础上,我们建立了一个系统并创造了整个视觉识别。CreditsArt方向/设计/插图:Imelda RamovićUX / UI:菲利普GjurinPhotographer:Domagoj KunićWeb发展:Danijel Milišić,Bojan Petković,伊凡Begović/织物。代理品牌视觉形象设计。

Starting off this week with a branding & visual identity project by Mireldy Design in collaboration with Drap Agency from Croatia. With an attractive colour scheme, we are getting charmed with an ico
nography with thick lines and how they are treated from the business cards to brand gear as well. I also appreciate the additio
nal colour used on the web design to create a co
ntrast from the two main colours used. What do you think?Published on Behance is a collaboration work with a team that goes from an Art Director to UX/UI including the client’s. Drap Agency is a studio ba
sed in Zagreb, Croatia.The basic idea was to make a visual identity that will unite (on the one hand complementaryand on the other hand opposing) perso
nalities of Drap agency. The logo is a compact typographic solution. It f
rames the playful line forms that fills its body. This way the mentio
ned opposing perso
nalities are unified in a compact unique form. At the same time the shape of the logo leaves room for modular intervention. Out of its basis we established a system and created the entire visual identity. CreditsArt direction / design / illustrations: Imelda RamovićUX / UI: Filip GjurinPhotographer: Domagoj KunićWeb development: Danijel Milišić, Bojan Petković, Ivan Begović / DRAP.agency branding visual identity graphic design