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编辑设计:Anais Coulon的作品。

2018-04-19 1297 6
   编辑设计已经存在很长一段时间了,我们真的很享受,有时候我们看到的项目会达到另一个层次,甚至你需要花更多的时间来欣赏细节。让我们来看看来自Anais Coulon的工作,她的工作真的是在加强她的工作。让我们打破它!Anais可以在瑞士和加拿大;法国平面设计师,目前在瑞士日内瓦工作。专注于艺术方向、平面设计和插图;很高兴看到她在栅格布局、版式和渐变的潮流中发挥作用。


Editorial Design has being around for a long time and we really do enjoy that sometimes we see projects that takes to another level OR even where you just gotta spend a couple more minutes to admire at the details. Let’s take a look at the work from Anaïs Coulon that is really stepping it up with her work. Let’s break it down!Anaïs Coulon  a swiss & french graphic designer working who is currently based in Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing her work in art direction, graphic design and illustration; it’s great to see her play on the grid layout, typography and also the trendy touch of gradients.I imagined a coloured and playful universe where books aren't only meant to be read but where they become the central graphic or architectural element of the set.  editorial design branding graphic design