我想和来自巴西阿雷格里港的Sweety anc公司合作。他们把工作重点放在品牌包装上,这太棒了!乍一看,你会注意到调色板上充满了绿色、紫色、粉色等多种颜色。你会注意到的第二件事是品牌化工作的多样性,他们不仅专注于一种特定的风格,而且还包括许多有趣的插图、CGI、模式工作等等。这是一个很长的功能比较我们通常发表但它完全值得鼓舞的卷轴!

I would like to share the work from Sweety anc Co who is studio ba
sed in Porto Alegre, Brazil. They stro
ngly focus their work in branding, packaging and it’s amazing! At first glance, you’ll notice the colour palette is quite vibrant with fluo colours of green, purple, pink and more. The second thing you will notice is the variety of branding work, they aren’t o
nly focus in one specific style but many including funky illustration, CGI, pattern work and more. It’s quite a long feature compares what we usually publish but it’s totally worth the inspiratio
nal scroll! Please enjoy! More Information: http://sweetyand.co. packaging branding graphic design