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2018-04-20 1332 0
每年的这个时候,庆祝活动、庆祝活动和许多人都吃!我们也会在一年的时间里享受休假的乐趣。作为一名设计师,休假也意味着我们可能需要重新考虑我们的投资组合、品牌和任何我们的项目。有一些休息和积极主动总是会带来很大的平衡,尤其是当事情正在降温的时候。让我们来看看Ira Banana的作品,她是一个设计师,她的工作是在西班牙巴塞罗那的UI/UX和平面设计。围绕着网格的工作是相当干净和简单的,我最欣赏的是在品牌中使用的颜色。我完全喜欢那种色彩斑斓的渐变!

Around this time of year with the celebrations, festivities and many many eats! We will also at the time of the year where we’ll get to enjoy some time off. As a designer, time off also means that we might have to rethink our portfolio, brand and any of our side-projects. Having some rest and being proactive always gives a great balance especially when things are cooling down.Let’s take a look at the work from Ira Banana who is a designer specializing her work in UI/UX and graphic design based in Barcelona, Spain. The work around the grid is fairly clean and simple and what I do appreciate the most is the colours used into the branding. I totally dig that colourful gradient mix! More Information: http://irabanana.com. portfolio branding ui design