过了很长一段时间后,我终于有时间发布了,没有什么比分享一个美丽的视觉识别项目更好的了。我说的是Jackson Mahlke所分享的由Manwaring认证的财务规划项目。关于杰克逊的作品,有很多东西可以欣赏,但我可以强调,我最喜欢的是符号和字体。Manwaring是休斯顿当地注册理财规划师。客户真的想把一只鹰纳入到新的标记中,所以我不得不这样做。考虑到这一点,我决定参考一个盾牌(可靠性/安全/保护),在飞行时重叠老鹰的翅膀。
Jackson MahlkeVisual IdentityJackson Mahlke是一位生活在休斯顿的平面设计师,他对品牌、团队合作、收集字体充满热情。

After a long hiatus I got the time to post again and nothing better than sharing a beautiful visual identity project. I am talking a
bout the Manwaring - Certified Financial Planning project shared by Jackson Mahlke. There are a lot of things to like a
bout the work that Jackson put together but I can highlight the symbol and typography are my favorites.Manwaring is a local certified financial planner in Houston.The client really wanted to incorporate an eagle into the new mark so I obliged. With that in mind, I decided to reference a shield (dependability/safety/protection) by overlapping the eagles wings as it takes flight. - Jackson MahlkeVisual IdentityJackson Mahlke is a graphic designer living in Houston, Texas passio
nate a
bout branding, teamwork, collecting typefaces. For more information check out http://designbyhawkeye.com/ visual identity branding