
Branding and visual identity design is one of the most amazing areas of work for a designer. The variety of medias that the designer has to take into co
nsideration and all the subtleties of each one require the designer to think holistically and systematically. In the end you have a consistent, efficient and of course beautiful result. To illustrate that we share with you the creative process behind Coffee House London, a visual identity designed by Reynolds and Reyner.Lo
ndon is a city deeply rooted in its traditions, history and architecture. Loyalties are formed in childhood and ho
nored for a lifetime. So our task is not just to show the outstanding benefits of our product but to weave these assets into the larger culture and themes of Lo
ndon culture, combining the heritage of coffee drinks with the distinctive, one-of-a-kind pleasures of Lo
ndon House coffees.Launching a new coffee brand in today’s very competitive market is hugely challenging. You have to offer something truly unique, of the highest quality, along with great atmosphere.a
bout Reynolds and ReynerReynolds and Reyner's philosophy is rooted in the true power of design. They believe it is less a
bout making high quality brand experiences and more a
bout the process at which we engage in, to create a real relatio
nship between our brands and their consumers.