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Yoobi Temakeria:好的食物在伦敦会很好的设计。

2018-04-18 1763 1
    位于伦敦Soho区的Yoobi Temakeria是两位与巴西和日本有联系的企业家的创意。Temaki是一种寿司,在巴西出生,是巴西以外最大的日本人居住的地方,是用圆锥包装的新鲜寿司。接受这个基本的想法,并为餐厅创造一个整体的外观和感觉,与它所受到的文化产生共鸣并不是一件容易的事情。简洁、简约的设计是完美的建筑和极简设计元素的产物,这些元素创造性地融合了里约热内卢、东京和伦敦的氛围。


Yoobi Temakeria, located in London's Soho, is the brainchild of two entrepreneurs with ties to Brazil and Japan. Temaki, a variety of sushi born in Brazil where the largest Japanese population outside of Brazil resides, is simply fresh sushi wrapped in a cone. Taking this basic idea and creating an overall look and feel for the restaurant that resonates with the cultures it was inspired by was not an easy feat. The clean, minimal design is the result of impeccable architecture and super minimal design elements that creatively meld the vibe of Rio, Tokyo and London into one. Gundry and Ducker Architecture brought the space, a former warehouse, back to its roots by unearthing the original brick.A color palette was created by Ico Design and can be seen peppered throughout the unique space in a fun, quirky way while maintaining the minimal aesthetic. Enjoy a look behind the scenes of this awesome 360 degree branding project and be sure to visit Yoobi next time you pay London a visit! 