本周的书是关于我最喜欢的设计师之一,传奇人物保罗·兰德。这本书的书名是保罗·兰德:德里克·伯索尔(Derek Birdsall)、史蒂文·海勒(Steven Heller)、内森·加兰(Nathan Garland)、法朗·纳诺·夸克(Paul Rand)、保罗·兰德(Paul Rand)、米尔顿·格拉泽(Milton Glaser)、伊万·切尔马耶夫(Ivan Chermayeff)。我相信我不需要解释这本书的内容,书名说明了一切。我们认识保罗·兰德,通过他留下的令人震惊的广告、社论、出版、机构、身份、企业和智力遗产。
作为20世纪设计中心的一个重要人物,他对现代传播实践和理论的影响是无与伦比的。对他来说,现代主义是一种生活方式和一种信仰形式,而不是一种风格。就像他的欧洲同事一样,他理解现代主义的信条是一种可以在现代世界更好的人类体验的东西。无论他是为美国广播公司、IBM公司或联合包裹服务公司(United Parcel Service)设计,还是在库珀联盟(Cooper Unio
n)或普拉特学院(Pratt Institute)任教,兰德给他的艺术、平面设计的定义和质量的声誉赋予了生命,这是一门需要它的学科。他是一个早期的声音,提出了现代主义理论在视觉传达上的精髓,他既冷酷又务实,而且具有惊人的远见卓识。他对他的主题的热情和对知觉和沟通的理论和现实的理解是巨大的,他常常能够向外行阐释他成功的艺术的复杂性和成就。兰德的同代人、学生和朋友都认为他是一个更有教养、更多样化的人,在他的才华和兴趣中,他们的各种不同的声音结合在一起,为兰德和他的成就提供了生动的、个人的和独特的信息介绍。

The book suggestion of this week is a
bout one of my favorite designers of all time, the legend Paul Rand. The title of the book is Paul Rand: Modernist Design by Derek Birdsall, Steven Heller, Nathan Garland, Franc Nunoo-Quarcoo, Paul Rand, Milton Glaser, Ivan Chermayeff. I believe I don't have to explain what the book is a
bout, the title says it all.We know Paul Rand through the stunning advertising, editorial, publishing, institutional, identity, corporate and intellectual legacy he left behind. A major figure at the epicenter of 20th-century design, his impact on modern communication practice and theory was unparalleled. For him, modernism was a way of life and a form of belief, not a style. Like his European colleagues, he understood modernism's tenets as a something that could be employed to better human experience in the modern world.Whether he was designing for the American Broadcasting Company, IBM Corporation or United Parcel Service, or teaching at Cooper Unio
n or Pratt Institute, Rand gave life to his art, definition to graphic design and a reputation for quality to a discipline that needed it. His was an early voice in proposing the essence of modernist theories in visual communication, and he was both ruthlessly pragmatic and startlingly visionary. His passion for his subject and his understanding of the theories and realities of perception and communication were immense, and he was often able to illuminate for the layperson the complexities and accomplishments of his triumphant art. Rand's contemporaries, students and friends knew him as a man even more extraordinarily cultivated and diverse in his talents and interests wher
e their diversity of voices combine to give a vivid, perso
nal and uniquely informative introduction to Rand and his achievements. A compendium of essays, interviews, photographic reproductions, a co
ntextual timeline and an extensive bibliography, Paul Rand: Modernist Design adds to the growing literature on Rand, helping to place him in the proper co
ntext within a century of innovative art, design, architecture and technology.Buy now book modernism Paul Rand branding book suggestion