我们总是说,个人项目是学习和做我们热爱的事情的最好方式。在我们的教程和壁纸中,我们一直都在使用Abduzeedo,我们也很欣赏其他的设计师。这就是雨果·席尔瓦(Hugo Silva)和耀眼的耐克(Nike)鞋带的例子。
Hugo Silva是里斯本的一位平面设计师和插画师。他在设计行业工作超过4年,专注于身份、公司、编辑、包装和插图。Hugo在IADE-Creative University有一个BA平面设计和一个Master Design Visual Culture。耐克的鞋带是一个非常聪明的想法,用鞋带创造耐克的标志。

We always say that perso
nal projects is the best way to learn and do what we love. We do that all the time with Abduzeedo in our tutorials and wallpapers and we always admire other designers that do that too. That's the case of Hugo Silva and the brilliant Nike Laces. Hugo Silva is a graphic designer and illustrator from Lisbon. He works in the design industry for over 4 years focusing on identity, corporate, editorial, packaging and illustration. Hugo has a BA Graphic Design and a Master Design Visual Culture at IADE-Creative University.Nike Laces is a very smart idea of creating the nike logo with shoe laces. Check it out.