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2018-04-20 1786 0

    在这类教程中,案例研究我们将向你们展示我们提出的标志的步骤。第1步-参考单词RAWZ是非常短的,它有一些很好的字符,像A, W和z。这个想法是用一个非常简单的字体,没有太多细节,正如名字所暗示的,非常原始的风格。寻找一些灵感,我们找到了一些很好的例子来展示人物,尤其是著名的前卫,当然还有80年代的经典。第2步-在脑海中勾勒出一些参考和想法,是时候把它们描绘出来了。毫无疑问,这是这个过程中最重要的部分,因为你可以很快尝试很多变化。你也可以看看你在现实生活中的想法是否和你头脑中的想法一样好。第3步——在几张草图之后,我们有了一个有趣的想法去探索排版,所以是时候打开Illustrator,让它发生了。使用线段工具和钢笔工具,我们创建了字母。正如你所看到的,我们从A开始,然后用这个符号,我们通过垂直翻转和复制W来创建W。还有一些其他有趣的细节,比如删除W的中间部分,连接Z和R。第4步,一旦我们完成了创建路径,我们就开始使用笔画大小和边缘样式。在这种情况下,我们尝试了圆边,但它不是生的哈!R也不正确,因为顶部的角度。第一步要做的第一件事是创建一个简化版本的r,我们又回到了锋利的边缘。但这个角度不对。第六步,保持直线。A和W打破了基线和对齐,创造了一个非常好的效果。我们也尝试了更轻更大胆的版本,直到我们决定这是最好的。为了给人一种时尚的感觉,我们决定在单词的中间加上一条发际线。它创造了一种很好的效果,将vintage与现代的fontface混合在一起。结论是我们添加了一些圆角,非常微妙,但它确实给人一种很好的感觉。


We over at Abduzeedo always think in ways to find great inspiration to be featured on the blog as well as help people to promote their work. It's quite hard sometimes to curate the amout of work we receive via email and social network links. That was the context that we had in mind when we created RAWZ. We wanted a simple way for people share their work and inspiration with us, it would be a raw version of Abduzeedo. No curation.The idea for the logo also was inspired by the concept of being raw. No symbol just the word and a very customized typoface. So in this sort of tutorial, case study we will show you the steps that took to us to come up with the logo.Step 1 - ReferencesThe word RAWZ is very short and it has some nice characters to play with like A, W and Z. The idea was come up with a very simple font with no much details, as the name suggested, very raw style. Looking for some inspiration we found some nice examples of how to play with characters, especially the well known Avant Garde and of course the classic from the 80s Over the Top.Step 2 - SketchesWith some references and ideas in mind it was time to sketch them out. That is without any doubt one of the most important parts of the process because you can try lots of variations very quickly. You can also see if the idea you had was as nice in real life as it was in your head. Step 3 - ComputerAfter a few sketches we got a quite interest idea to explore in terms of typography so it was time to open Illustrator and make it happen. Using the Line Segment Tool and the Pen Tool we created the letters. As you can see, we started with the A then with that symbol we created the W by flipping it vertically and duplicating it. There are some other interesting details like deleting part of the middle area of the W, connecting the Z and the R.Step 4once we finishing creating the paths we started playing with stroke sizes and edge styles. In this case we tried rounded edges but it wasn't that raw hah! Also the R wasn't right because of the angle of the top part.Step 5The first thing to do here was to created a simplified version of the R. Also we went back to sharp edges. But the angle wasn't right.Step 6Time to keep the lines straight. The A and W break the baseline and the to alignment creating a really nice effect. Also we tried lighter and bolder versions here until we decided that this one was the best.Step 7In order to give a stylish look we decided to add a hairline inner stroke in the center of the word. It created a really nice effect sort of mixing vintage with a very modern fontface.ConclusionTo make it a little bit friendlier we added some rounded corners, very subtle but it definitely gives a nice touch. As you can see in this quick case study, creating a logo is much more than playing with Illustrator, there's always some goals to reach and message to pass along. Tutorials don't exactly show the whole creative process but they give you an idea of the workflow. I hope that might help you to come up with your own workflow in the future.