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2018-04-17 3855 1
世界是分裂的。有些人喜欢经典的感觉。而另一些人则更倾向于成为下一代。无论你是可口可乐还是百事可乐的粉丝,你都见证了这两个巨人之间的持续的战争。当你在显微镜下进行这场战争时,你可能会看到这些公司是如何试图改变他们的品牌意识,试图克服彼此。可口可乐在1886年首次推出时,在可乐饮料市场上并没有太多的对手。直到1898年,百事可乐被释放,两家公司之间的竞争才爆发,这使得对品牌定位的需求变得非常迫切。在市场营销中,定位是指营销人员试图在目标市场上为其产品、品牌或组织创造形象或身份的过程。这是“相对竞争比较”,他们的产品在给定的市场中被目标市场所感知。- WikipediaSince都是由药学家开发和内省的,他们声称这两种饮料都有药用价值。可口可乐在1900年的口号是“头痛和疲惫,喝可口可乐”,而百事公司1903年的口号是“振奋人心,振奋人心,助消化”。在1929年,百事公司宣称:“这是健康!”可口可乐一直以来都在出售一种“令人耳目一新的”和“令人满意”的形象,这比百事可乐更长久。这里有一个快速的口号,提醒我们许多我们今天看到的东西:1904年的可口可乐令人满意1904年的美味和清新的1905年——很好,在1906年,这是一种非常美味的饮料,非常美味,而且还能让人精神焕发。刷新…1909年,可口可乐,可口可乐,可口可乐,可口可乐,另一只手,百事可乐试图证明他们的饮料更适合小口袋,在每个瓶子里有更多的盎司饮料。看看吧:1934年——两倍于1939年,两倍于一枚1950年的镍价——更大的饮料,更美味的1949年——为什么在百事最好的时候少用?在那之后,可口可乐是最畅销的可乐饮料很长时间,百事可乐开始改变他们的意识。百事可乐必须找到一种方法,让人们对他们过去习惯的东西有不同的想法。他们找到的解决办法是让可乐看起来老旧。1961年的今天,现在是百事可乐,对那些认为1963年年轻的人来说——活着!你在百事可乐公司1984年- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1942 -唯一像可口可乐是可口可乐itself1945——每当你听到“可口可乐,”你听到的声音America1970——这是真正的thing1985 -美国真正的Choice1989不能打败Feeling1990 -不能打败现实Thing1993总是Coca-ColaAnother细节使我们清楚地认识到,可口可乐从来没有感觉到威胁是可口可乐的标志是很少改变。时代可乐公司尝试了一些改变,反馈都是负面的,他们必须带回经典的标志。百事一直在改变它的标识,调整自己到每一代,使他们成为“年轻的选择”。从我们的帖子“品牌不是一门科学,是吗?”这就是可口可乐商标的演变。现在我们想听听你们的意见你们怎么看待这个口号战争。你如何发现你自己在这两个巨人之间?你喜欢哪个品牌?告诉我们!干杯!品牌可口可乐百事可乐的口号。

The world is divided. Some people enjoy the classic feeling. Others, prefer to be the next generation. Whether you're a Coca-Cola or a Pepsi fan boy, you have witnessed the constant war between these two giants. When you place this war under a microscope, it's possible to see how these companies have tried to change their brand awareness during the years, trying to overcome each other.When it was first introduced back in 1886, Coke didn't have much opponents in the cola drink market. That until 1898 when Pepsi was released and the rivalry between these two exploded, making the need for brand positioning really urgent for both.In marketing, positioning has come to mean the process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. It is the 'relative competitive comparison' their product occupies in a given market as perceived by the target market. - WikipediaSince both were developed and introcuded by pharmicists, they claimed that both drinks had medicinal properties. Coke's 1900 slogan was "For headache and exhaustion, drink Coca-Cola", while Pepsi's 1903 slogan was "Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion". In 1929, Pepsi claimed: "Here's Health!"Coke has been selling a "refreshing" and "satisfying" image for a longer time than Pepsi. Here's a quick list of slogans that remind us a lot of those we see today:1904 - Coca-Cola satisfies1904 - Delicious and Refreshing1905 - Good all the way down1906 - Thirst quenching - delicious and refreshing1907 - Cooling... refreshing... delicious1909 - Delicious, wholesome, refreshing1909 - Delicious, wholesome, thirst quenching1909 - Drink delicious Coca-ColaIn the other hand, Pepsi tried to show that their drink was better for small pockets, having more ounces of drink avaiable in each bottle. Check it out:1934 - Double Size1939 - Twice as Much for a Nickel1943 - Bigger Drink, Better Taste1949 - Why Take Less When Pepsi's Best?After that, since Coca-Cola was the top selling cola drink for so long, Pepsi started to change their awereness. Pepsi had to find a way to make people think different of what they were used to. Making Coke look old was solution they found.1961 - Now It's Pepsi for Those Who Think Young1963 - Come Alive! You're in the Pepsi Generation1984 - The Choice of a New Generation1989 - A Generation Ahead1993 - Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Pepsi1997 - Generation NextAlthought its reign was never trembled by Pepsi, Coke replied these slogans reaffirming its untouchable quality and tradition.1942 - The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself1945 - Whenever you hear "Have a Coke," you hear the voice of America1970 - It's the real thing1985 - America's Real Choice1989 - Can't Beat the Feeling1990 - Can't Beat the Real Thing1993 - Always Coca-ColaAnother detail that makes clear to us that Coke never felt threaten is the fact that the Coca-Cola logo was hardly ever changed. The times Coke tried some change, the feedback was all negative, and they had to bring back the classic logo. Pepsi has been changing its logo since ever, adjusting themselves to each generation, making their way to become the "young choice".From our post "Branding is not a Science is it?"This is pretty much the evolution of the Coca-Cola logo.And now we'd love to hear from you guys what do you all think about this slogan war. How do you find yourself between these two giants? Which branding do you prefer? Tell us! Cheers! ;) branding coca-cola pepsi slogan
