Shibu PG在Behance网站上分享了一个非常酷的品牌标识项目。我们是任何一个项目的粉丝,他们分享了更多关于创作过程的内容,特别是当有一些草图和他们的翻译的数字版本。这个品牌标识有一个超时尚的调色板,有点非常规,有黑暗的主题,但绝对值得一看。实际上,它可以与佛陀创造的许多方面相协调。换句话说,我们可以把佛的话语变成Tattwa的。把快乐带入你的生活,在一个旧梦想中梦想一个新的生活,让今天和未来变得平静。
团队Tattwa帮助你在头脑中打开这些僵局,并帮助你增强你周围的创造力。当我专注于这个词时,它击中了我,极简主义是佛陀所传达的语言。在最小的阿凡达里,这是我所采用的方法。这里有三个主要的要点:BuddhaWingsInfinityBrand Identity ProcessSo为这个团队创建一个标识,该说什么,“挑战”还是“乐趣”?当一个挑战被乐趣所感知时,美好的事物就会进化。简而言之,在设计中,他们需要一个最小的方法来开发大量的元素。同时,logo需要对称的结构。图标是用单行创建的。这里创建的图标遵循类似的策略。这里的要点是要确定品牌中需要遵循的独特性。

Shibu PG shared a really cool brand identity project on Behance. We are fans of any project that shares a bit more a
bout the creative process, especially when there are sketches and the translation of them to the digital version. This brand identity has a super stylish color palette, a bit unconventional, with the dark theme but definitely worth checking it out.Des
nTattwa means the element of truth, actually, it can be attuned to many aspects, which coined by Buddha. In other words, we can refer that Buddha's words become Tattwa's. Attract happiness into your life, and dream a new life in an old dream, to make today and future Serene.The team Tattwa helps you to open those gridlocks in your mind and helps you to enhance the creativity which embraces around you.When I focused on that terms, it hit me, minimalism is the language co
nveyed by Buddha. Sophistication in a minimal avatar, that was the approach I took.Three main points focused here,BuddhaWingsInfinityBrand Identity ProcessSo creating a logo for this team, what to say, "challenge" or "fun"?. Well when a challenge is perceived by fun, something beautiful evolves. In a nutshell, they need a minimal approach in design which needs to exploit a lot of elements. And same time the logo need to be structured symmetrically.Ico
nsThe logo is created with a single line. Icons created here follow the similar strategy. The main point here is to establish the uniqueness which needs to follow in the branding.For more information check out:FacebookDribbbleInstagram branding