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2018-04-23 1694 0

   在过去的三年里,冯·霍夫(Von Hof)用手在美国制造了一批小批量的钢自行车,并与金属大师等志同道合的伙伴合作。新的公路自行车完美地体现了他们的使命,使定制的质量框架能够以合理的成本进入更广阔的市场。由Franklyn品牌视觉标识。

We are showcasing a branding (rebrand) of Vonhof Cycles who makes small batch of bicycles by hand. based in Hoboken, New Jersey; they focus their product and brand on great design, high quality material and exceptional customer services. I really enjoyed their mindset as I quote: "We’re not bogged down by distribution chains, forced obsolescence of model years, sales gimmicks or real estate investments. We stock only what we need, which saves us and our customers money."The recent rebrand has been done by the folks over Franklyn, a creative studio that strives a boutique approach for global brands and startups. based in Brooklyn, NY, they have worked with brands like Disney, Airbnb, Google and just to name a few.For the past three years, Von Hof has created small batch, steel bicycles by hand in the USA with like-minded partners such as metal Guru. The new road bikes perfectly exemplify their mission to make custom quality frames accessible to a broader market at reasonable costs.CreditsRebrand by Franklyn branding visual identity