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2018-04-28 1734 0
我们想分享这个品牌项目是由Erik Musin为一个叫Porter的厨房酒吧做的。就像下面提到的,他的3d/cgi方法也为他的文具业增添了一种独特的风格。特别引起我注意的是他的作品的细节,他的作品的视觉设计是在餐厅外面的标志和vinyls。这是这个过程中的一个小细节,但它确实定义了Erin的工作经验。在Behance发表的作品是埃里克·穆森(Erik Musin)的作品,他现在是俄罗斯联邦圣彼得堡的一名设计师。在他的自由职业生涯中,埃里克主要从事平面设计、品牌推广和艺术指导。我非常喜欢他的3D/CGI技术,它让所有的东西都从人群中脱颖而出。波特-黑啤酒带有特有的葡萄酒味道,强烈的麦芽和饱和的味道,同时又甜又苦。这个名字也来自于一个看起来很危险的东西- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -这个名字与英国有关——啤酒的故乡和赌注。品牌平面设计

We would like to share this branding project by Erik Musin for a kitchen bar named Porter. Like mentioned below, his 3d/cgi approach adds a unique style to his stationery work also for a presentation. Something that particularly caught my attention was the attention of details on his work for the visual design of what’s outside the restaurant with the signage and vinyls. It’s a small detail in the process but it does define the professionalism of Erin’s experience.Published on Behance is the work from Erik Musin who is a designer currently based in Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. Throughout his freelance work, Erik works mainly in graphic design, branding and art direction. I really enjoy his 3D/CGI approach to his work, it makes everything standing out from the crowd.PORTER – dark beer with characteristic wine smack, strong aroma of malt and saturated taste at which at the same time there are both a sweet, and bitterness. Also the name comes from a look a stake — the porterkhaus-stake which is cut out from a lumbar part of a back in the field of a cutting rib-steak. The name is associated with England – the homeland of beer and a stake.  branding graphic design