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2018-04-28 1941 0
我们想通过Alaa Tameem和他的作品来分享这个品牌和视觉形象。关于这个项目,我最喜欢的是标志探索的一部分,在那里你可以从第一个粗糙的模型到最后的列表看到所有的迭代。真的很喜欢这个,这是非常鼓舞人心的学习。Alaa Tameem是目前在约旦安曼的艺术总监和平面设计师。带着5年的经验,看到Alaa将他的工作移情转向品牌和网页设计,真是太棒了。品牌视觉形象设计。

We would like to share this branding and visual identity by Alaa Tameem and his work for Two12 Studios. about this project, what I liked the most was the part of the logo exploration where you can see all the iterations and as you can see from the first rough mockups to the shortlisted ones. Really love this and it’s quite inspiring to learn from. One thing though, the gradients are definitely back!Alaa Tameem  is an art director and graphic designer currently based in Amman, Jordan. With 5 years of experience under the belt, it's great to see Alaa shifting his work empathy towards branding and web design.  branding visual identity graphic design