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2018-04-28 1170 0
Caramello - Gellato和Pastisserie是一个品牌和艺术方向的项目。该设计利用模块化和模式来创造独特和好玩的东西。我觉得模块化的模式有时会导致刻板印象,因为没有更好的词,枯燥的视觉效果,但是这个项目证明我错了。这感觉很有格调,我相信排印的选择应该对此负责。衬线字体使设计与更有机的形式相平衡。Caramello是一家位于曼彻斯特的新概念蛋糕和冰淇淋店。概念背后的理念是创造一个新的和模块化的模式作为一个主要的相关的沟通,混合不同的形状,柔和的颜色和铜颜色提醒焦糖一。品牌Collettivo Mare是一个独立的设计集体,出生于2015年末,在曼彻斯特和巴塞罗那之间工作。由Leonardo Schiavina和Luca Cammarata共同创立。

Caramello - Gellato & Pastisserie is a branding and art direction project shared by the folks over at Collettivo Mare, including Leonardo Schiavina and Luca Cammarata. The design plays with modularity and patterns to create something unique and playful. I feel that modular patterns sometimes result in stark and, for lack of better word, boring visuals but this project proved me wrong. It feels classy, I believe the typography choice was responsible for that. The serif font balances the design with a bit more organic form.Caramello is a new concept cake and ice cream shop settled in Manchester. The idea behind the concept is create a fresh and modular pattern as a main related communication, mixing different shapes, pastel colors and copper color reminds the caramel one.Branding Collettivo Mare is an independent design collective born in late 2015, working between Manchester and Barcelona. Founded by Leonardo Schiavina and Luca Cammarata. For more information check out http://collettivomare.com/ branding art direction