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Doble Veta视觉品牌设计

2018-04-28 1429 0
今天我们要做的项目是将两件我们挚爱的东西混合在一起:建筑与安培;品牌。我的意思是,这美丽的组合不喜欢什么。说到美丽,我们来看看这个叫做“Doble Veta”的视觉形象和品牌,它是在墨西哥的蒙特雷市制造的。由Enrique Larios和Cursi Estudio设计,他们设计了一种颜色的混合搭配,配合一个标志概念,清晰地展示了这个名字的概念和意义,以及一个3D的收尾。你怎么认为?希望你会喜欢!Doble Veta是墨西哥蒙特雷市的建筑与室内设计研究。对于这一身份,有必要反映商业和艺术项目中研究风格的两重性。这个符号是由两个三维物体的结合形成的,它模拟了不同材料的组合。通过Behance公司提供的信息。视觉标识品牌的平面设计。

The project we are featuring today is mixing two things that we dearly love: Architecture & Branding. I mean what’s not love about this beautiful combination. Speaking of beautiful, we are taking a look at this visual identity and branding called Doble Veta made in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. Designed by Enrique Larios and Cursi Estudio, they have worked this mixture of colours that goes very well together along with a logo concept that clearly shows the idea and meaning of the name with a 3D finishing touch. What do you think? Hope you will like it!Doble Veta is a study of architecture and interior design established in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. For this identity, it was necessary to reflect the duality of study styles in both commercial and artistic projects. The symbol is formed by the union of two three-dimensional objects that simulate the combination of different materials. Credits Enrique LariosCursi EstudioMore Information via Behance. visual identity branding graphic design