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2018-04-28 2880 0
Vinery 9是一个关于葡萄酒的电子商务网站的品牌和视觉标识项目,它是由巴西设计师Gilnei Silva设计的。有很多方法可以将信息转换为标志,然后是品牌系统。当你试着通过一杯酒读一些东西的时候,吉尔尼探索了折射效应。结果很漂亮。波浪线变形的视觉再现是巧妙而优雅的。我不会讲太多,在休息和快乐星期五之后再看。这个标志的想法始于怀斯曼的概念,因为该网站的所有者是葡萄酒专家。侍酒师会做的一件事是观察酒的质地,所以他们探索了商标的概念如果数字9在玻璃后面。Gilnei SilvaGilnei是一位专注于品牌和视觉形象的高级设计师。

Vinery 9 is a branding and visual identity project for an e-commerce website all about wine and it was designed by a fellow Brazilian Designer, Gilnei Silva. There are many ways to translate a message to a logo and then a branding system. Gilnei explored the refraction effect created when you try to read something through a glass of wine. The result is quite beautiful. The visual representation of the distortion with wavy lines is clever and elegant. I won't tell much, check it out after the break and happy Friday.The idea for the logo started with the concept of wiseman because the owners of the site were experts in wine. One of the things that sommeliers do is to look at the texture of the wine, so they explored the idea of the logo was if the number 9 was behind the glass.Branding and visual identityabout Gilnei SilvaGilnei is a Senior Designer focused on branding and visual identity. For more information check out http://www.gilneisilva.com/ branding visual identity