Volta是一个品牌和设计工作室,致力于品牌的思考、开发和创造。他们在他们的投资组合中有一些繁重的工作,我最喜欢的一个是桑德曼·奇多葡萄酒品牌。我喜欢一个好的港口,看到他们所做的工作,并不是仅仅是一种前/后的饮料,而是要感谢你的用餐。我总是喜欢这样做,所以这是他们工作的另一个原因。作为波尔多葡萄酒的品牌,桑曼认为,品牌责任不仅在于创造最好的葡萄酒,还在于启发他们当前和未来的消费者对这款难以置信的强化葡萄酒的一些错误的神话。波尔图一直被认为是饭前饭后的酒:Sandeman想要证明这一点和其他的神话是错误的。位于里斯本最时尚的地区,Chiado, Sandeman Chiado是波尔图葡萄酒遇到食物和神话的地方。菜单上的每道菜都有一个Porto wine和/或鸡尾酒搭配的建议,让客户看到将他们的创意菜单与Sandeman Porto的持久甜蜜结合在一起的真正乐趣。创建这个Bar &餐厅,Sandeman与VOLTA和室内设计师Paulo Lobo密切合作。这个空间的身份应该尽可能的高和吸引,以过去、现在和未来的品牌作为它的灵感的主题。它应该公布最近的标志更新(新堂),并支持签名“波尔图葡萄酒与食物。“最终的结果几乎就像一个桑德尔旗舰店一样:他们的历史和遗产是提供美味美食体验的基础,而环境展示了未来的品牌意向:创新,葡萄酒趋势制定者,最重要的是,最好的波尔图葡萄酒的创造者。”

Volta is a branding and design studio, dedicated to the thinking, development and creation of brands. They have some heavy work on their portfolio and one of my favorites has to be the Sandeman Chiado port wine brand. I love a good port and seeing the work they did to help promote this wine not as just a pre/after drink, but to be appreciated with your meal. I always liked to do that anyways so it's another reason to feature their work.As a Porto Wine brand, Sandeman feels it’s the brand respo
nsibility to not o
nly create the finest wines but also to enlighten their current and future co
nsumers on some wrong myths a
bout this fabulous fortified wine. Porto has always been co
nsidered a pre/after meals wine: Sandeman wants to prove this and other myths wrong.Located in the trendiest area of Lisbon, Chiado, The Sandeman Chiado is the place wher
e Porto wine meets food and myths are questioned. With every dish in the menu, there is a Porto wine and/or cocktail pairing suggestion, showing clients the true pleasure of combining their creative menu with the long lasting sweetness of Sandeman Porto’s.To create this Bar & Restaurant, Sandeman worked closely with VOLTA and with the interior designer Paulo Lobo. The identity of this space should be as premium and inviting as possible, with the past, present and future of the brand as its inspiration motifs. It should unveil the recent logo update (the new Don), supported with the signature “Porto wine meets Food.”The final result works almost as a Sandeman flagship store: their history and heritage are the founding basis for the fantastic gastro
nomic experiences on offer, and the enviro
nment shows the brand intentions for the future: to be innovative, wine trend setters and above all, creators of the finest Porto wines.For more information check out http://www.thesandemanchiado.com branding