好的设计是简单的,但为了实现简单,有一个漫长的过程。我们从一个粗略的想法开始,我们将它打磨和缩小直到我们达到最终的结果,我们认为这是我们试图解决的问题最合适的结果。Lee Boulden为多伦多的摄影师创造了一个真正优雅的视觉形象。我喜欢整个事情的简单和有效,这就是为什么我在ABDZ与你分享它。Bould是独立获奖的英国平面设计师Lee Boulden的创造性的存在,拥有超过20年的设计和品牌经验。Bould提供全方位的创意服务,提供精心制作的定制设计解决方案,并以战略目标为目标,确保您的业务脱颖而出,更好地沟通。
Steve Frost的品牌——一个多伦多的独立摄影师。”品牌需要干净简洁,体现了史蒂夫随和的态度。学位标志反映了史蒂夫的姓氏的冷酷本质和照相机镜头的标志性形象。

Good design is simple but in order to achieve simplicity there is a long journey. We start with a rough idea and we polish it and reduce it until we achieve the end result we believe is the most appropriate for the problem we are trying to solve. Lee Boulden created a truly elegant visual identity for a Toro
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sed photographers. I love how simple and effective the whole thing is and that's why I am sharing it here with you on ABDZ.Bould is the creative presence of independent award-winning British graphic designer Lee Boulden, with over 20 years of design and branding experience.Offering a complete range of creative services, Bould delivers bespoke design solutions meticulously crafted and strategically targeted to ensure your business stands out and communicates better.Branding for Steve Frost – a Toro
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sed independent photographer.The brand needed to be clean and simple, reflecting Steve’s easy-going attitude. The degree mark reflects the chilly nature of Steve’s surname and the ico
nic image of a camera lens." branding visual identity