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2018-04-27 1508 0
在过去的几年里,我一直专注于UI/UX和原型设计,所以我还没有做过一个品牌项目。这并不意味着我对品牌的渴望已经停止。我喜欢看到Behance网站上发布的项目,以及整个开发项目,尤其是那些有漂亮表现的项目,比如我今天的项目。没有WIFI——生存工具包是一个品牌和包装的工作,它肯定是我的灵感。在匈牙利布达佩斯,一位名叫诺拉·卡扎尼(Nora Kaszanyi)的设计师发明了无线网络生存工具。对此没有太多的解释,但这似乎是一个学校的项目。问题是,如果你想要一个新的视觉参考,这并不重要。

I haven't worked on a branding project in quite a long time as I've been keeping my focus on UI/UX and prototyping for the past few years. That doesn't mean that my thirst for branding has ceased. I love seeing projects posted on Behance and the whole development, especially those with beautiful presentation, like the project I am featuring today. NO WIFI - SURVIVAL KIT is a branding and packaging work that is certainly an inspiration to me.NO WIFI - SURVIVAL KIT was created by Nora Kaszanyi, a designer from Budapest, Hungary. There's not much of an explanation about it, but it seems to be a school project. The thing is, it doesn't really matter if you were looking for a fresh visual reference.For more information check out https://www.behance.net/norakaszanyi school project branding packaging