
The first post of the year had to be a
bout inspiring designs that I have been saving for reference for the design of the new Abduzeedo. Since I started the blog I've always pursued ways to simplify its design, the biggest challenge in this endeavor has always been sorting out how to accommodate ads and content. For the new design I might have gotten closer to solving it. With that, I was inspired to feature the work of Adé which features so many things that I love all in one package. Among many things that I like I'd like to highlight are three things that I am working to incorporate on the blog:Generous white-space. I know that this topic is always very delicate, especially when you have to deal with ads and scrolling.simple gridVertical text for seco
ndary co
ntentFor more information a
bout this work and to see the full spectrum of the beautiful branding work that was created check out: https://www.behance.net/gallery/19497853/AdCredits:Sorbet Design - http://www.sorbetdesign.co.nz/Nicole Miller-Wong - http://www.nicolemillerwong.com/ UI/UX branding