该项目是一项研究项目,旨在恢复和保存在巴西米纳斯杰雷斯拍摄的珍贵电影作品。他们将探索自己的工作、特点和职业。Beto Nunes创作的品牌作品诠释得很好。符号创造是这样一个聪明的探索名字的首字母MAM,使用简单的线条来达到一个令人难以置信的结果。我喜欢每样东西都很清楚但不明显,这让符号显得优雅而耐人寻味。有些人可能会说角度太过尖锐,但这一点也不困扰我。这个符号也被明智地用来为基本的抵押品工作创造一个美丽的图案。

The project Memória Audiovisual Mineira is a research project focused to recover and preserve the precious cinematographic work done in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Each issue will feature a character that was im
portant in the development of this movie culture. They will explore their work, peculiarities and career. The brand work that Beto Nunes created illustrates that elegantly well.The symbol create is such a smart exploration of the initials MAM, using simple lines Beto achieve an incredible result. I love how everything is very clear but not obvious, that keeps the symbol elegant and intriguing. Some might say that the angles are too acute, but that doesn't bother me at all. The symbol also was wisely used to create a beautiful pattern for the basic collateral work.Check out the work and let me know your thoughts. Also if you have l
inks to works you like, let us know. We would love to feature and comment a
bout your suggestions.For more information check out https://www.behance.net/beto
nunes branding editorial