我们已经习惯在杂志上看到那种更多的人翻译的漂亮字体,真是太棒了。对我来说最大的挑战,尤其是现在我正在重新设计的Abduzeedo,就是如何采取系统的方法,创造一些动态内容的东西。我们知道杂志和编辑设计依赖于网格、模板、样式和web一样,但是它也有灵活性,可以让人对内容进行微调。对于不太可能的web,至少对每个内容条目都不可行。在这篇文章中,我想强调一下Alexander Laguta的工作。这个项目的名字叫Long Life Wodd,它很漂亮。文字重叠的图片,经典的瑞士格子风格的构图,当然还有大胆的字体。长寿命木材-制造热实木地板,装饰,包覆和其他木材产品。我们的团队已经创建了一整套工具、指导方针、品牌元素和动画。

It's awesome to see more people translating beautiful typography, the kind we are accustomed to seeing on magazines, now on the web. The biggest challenge for me, especially now that I am redesigning Abduzeedo, is how to take a systematic approach and create something that works with dynamic content. We know that magazines and editorial design rely on grid, templates, styles much like the web, but it also has the flexibility of havin
g someone fine tuning the content. With the web that is not quite possible, at least not viable for each co
ntent entry.For this post I'd like to highlight the work of Alexander Laguta. The project is titled Long Life Wodd and it's simply beautiful. Text overlapping images, classic swiss grid style composition and of course bold typography.Long Life Wood — manufacturer of thermally solid wood flooring, decking, cladding and other wood products. Our team has created a full set of tools, guidlines, branding elements and animation.For more information check out http://fuge.ru/ visual design branding ux