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2018-04-27 2130 0
这是创造性思维的一个极好的例子!总部位于旧金山的Tolleson Design公司与Adobe公司合作,为Adobe公司的发布创建了一些美丽的图片。当Adobe推出CS6时,它采用了一个基于web的交付模型,以扩展对其创意套件的访问。在我们的第五次CS协作中,Tolleson和Adobe为Adobe CC的发布做好了准备,这是第一个完全摆脱包装并在云中建立永久的家的版本。这些只是一些作品的例子!FlashFlash是创建和呈现交互内容的舞台基础,其中技术设计和视觉动画的舞台效果是一致的。InDesignInDesign编排了色彩、页面和类型之间的相互作用,以创造出和谐的作品。经过特效层次的色彩和维度,将情感的品质赋予意象和动作图形。首映礼揭开了讲故事和电影制作的过程,因为它们给了电影的表达方式。PhotoshopPhotoshop引导人们的想象,模糊了现实与虚幻之间的界限。

This is an awesome example of creative thinking! Tolleson Design, a company based in San Francisco collaborated with Adobe to create some beautiful imagery for the launch of Adobe CC. Check it out!When Adobe launched CS6, it embraced a web-based delivery model to expand access to its Creative Suite. In our fifth CS collaboration, Tolleson and Adobe prepared for the launch of Adobe CC, the first release to completely shed packaging and establish a permanent home in the cloud.These are only a few examples of the works created! For more Tolleson Design's work, please visit their portfolio at Behance. I hope you enjoy these! Cheers. ;)FlashFlash is the staging ground for creating and presenting interactive content, where technical design and the theatrics of visual animation align.InDesignInDesign orchestrates the interplay between color, page and type to create harmonious compositions for publication.After EffectsAfter Effects layers color and dimension, imparting an emotional quality to imagery and motion graphics.PremierePremiere unveils the process of storytelling and filmmaking as they give way to cinematic expression.PhotoshopPhotoshop channels the imagination, blurring the line between the actual and the illusionary. brand identity branding