
Akufen is an interactive studio focusing their work in Print and Visual Design, Web and Interactive Development ba
sed in Montreal, Canada. Being creative around a specific branding is not always a beautiful task with the requests and demands. But Akufen does a pretty good job!All Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by AkufenAll Rights by Akufenl
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bout Akufen: http://www.akufen.ca/en/home/Follow Akufen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/akufen akufen branding web inspiration montreal