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2018-04-26 1339 0
看看这款名为Puree的酷品牌研究吧,这是一个有机的药用蔬菜园,消费者可以在那里获得天然的人工养殖的食物。由studioahamed.com设计,2014年2月,Marie &Claude LaPonte推出了Puree,一个有机的药用蔬菜园,消费者可以在那里获得天然的人工养殖的食物。众所周知,特定农产品有助于解决诸如关节和关节炎等健康问题,以及各种各样的疾病。尽管Puree以其对增长和细节的关注而闻名,为当地人提供新鲜和专业的农产品,想要避免看起来像一个典型的健康药店,更多地关注他们生产的产品。从一开始就很重要的一点是,作为一家专业生产公司,它与典型的流行商店截然不同。为了实现这一目标,重要的是要创造一种永恒的身份,这一恒久的身份能支撑起普里的简洁和美学价值,充分利用他们所吃的食物。

Check out this cool brand study of Puree, an organic medicinal vegetable garden where consumers can have access to naturally farmed food located in there very neighborhoods.Designed by studioahamed.com.In February of 2014 Marie & Claude LaPonte Launched Puree, an organic medicinal vegetable garden where consumers can have access to naturally farmed food located in there very neighborhoods. Specific produce has been known to help with health problems such as joint and arthritic issues as well as a variety of cronic illnesses. Although Puree is known for its attention to growth and detail in supplying locals with fresh and specialized produce owners Marie & Claude wanted to steer away from looking like a typical health pharmacy and focus more on the product they produce. It was important right from the start to showcase Puree as a specialty produce company that is quite different than your typical organic mom and pop store. In order to accomplish this it was important to create a timeless Identity that held up to Puree's standards of simplicity and aesthetic value. Inviting people to make the most of the food they eat. Puree Organics Launched in February 2014 in Montreal Quebec. branding brand study